Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

chloe is to wolfy to be chloe



twcbt dont make that mistake


someoene has hacked into chloe’s account thats my only logical reasoning

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Game has started at the two most poggers people are quickly turning into the two least poggers people

Thats not true at all
And you’re pulling this out of thin air

I’ve barely explained my reads, but why would i not try to evaluate your mindset? Its how fm works bucko

Feel free to gaslight me more but it wont help the cause

okay then

now what does this mean

you’re not allowed to read me negatively either if you’re not gonna read me
:pensive: :pensive: :pensive:

Do people REALLY need me to spell this out for them

Like jesus christ i knew townplay was bad but lol

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Sorry, meant and*
Chloe and Arete are already suffocating the thread

okay now i feel attacked


I’m allowed to pretend to though

see i told you you didn’t scumread me

frankestein’s gambit works every time


thats not a read

I have a read on a few people

Town - Chloe, Leafia
Null - Arete
Scum - Night

but i like night

Yes this is serious, feel free to flame me. :blue_heart:

you know what this thread totally needs
an off-topic discussion that sucks up air for 12 hours

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what’s your alls favorite forum mafia role


comparative cop
