Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses


so like

there are a lot of things that made me mrrrr about her opener

the beginning part of it was kind of awkward

then when I pushed her on it she went into OMGUS mode without really trying to evaluate my perspective/motivation, and reacted in a way that was super disproportionate to the actual amount of pressure she was under

and spending a lot of time being ‘wow, Arete and Marl are so obviously wolves, I don’t even need to explain how obvious it is!!!’ rather than actually explaining her read at all

and all of those things are still true even if she was shifting her playstyle because of some articles (the first one ?maybe? less so since a playstyle shift could explain some awkwardness)

so then there’s also the question of which articles she was actually looking at

#11: Effective Wolf Hunting (by Klopp) - a big part of my issue with her opener is that she wasn’t really trying to read my/Marl’s motivation, rather than just being like ‘you’re pushing me which is bad,’ this article is in large part about how you should look at motivation rather than at ‘is their read correct’ which is the opposite of what she was doing

On Self-Appraisal - MafiaWiki - literally about not being overconfident

Charisma and Mafia - MafiaWiki - partially about not being overconfident

On Town Cohesion - MafiaWiki - about trying to work with people and not automatically going into tunnel mode

all of these are advising kind of the opposite of the things I didn’t like about her early posts

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Articles didn’t affect my opener because I was tunneled
I planned on coming in
Pushing a few buttons
And looking for reactions
I was trying to tilt you and trying to pressure Marl with my vote
Then I got invested

When I realized how narrow my vision was I noticed that I was doing basically everything I told myself I wouldn’t

Hence me saying a million times that it’s on me that this new playstyle backfired on me and I’m not used to doing new things and stepping outside of my comfort zone

I realize this is a lot of wifom and you can’t take my word for this but that’s just what it be

good point
i was thinking along those lines but didn’t want to dissuade him if he’d wanted to actually go along with it

And at this point I’m so incredibly dissociated from this game and have already conformed to the mindset that I die today that I’m in an entirely different world by myself
Floating in space

or maybe thats me missing my meds

it might be me missing my meds

I’m upset I won’t have time do anything like 12+ hours before eod

I want to look at marshal too

I’ve never seen Chloe back into OMGUS tunnel and it’s tilting my judgement i think

he prob a wolf

try to look from my pov

Chloe had explanation for tunnel reads tho

i’m gonna so shower and work on my parasite shit
see y’all later and hold me accountable for what i said i’d provide

Honestly if you keep going “I’m going to die today” I will probably become annoyed enough to make it happen
As of right now, you’re not confirmed to be today’s execute. So stop going “well, it’s going to happen ig” because all that will do is create a self-fulfilling prophecy

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I meant to comment on this earlier
But its what I was hinting at before I took my nap

This isn’t a bad take in the slightest
in fact
I agree

I go over today and there’s no way at least 1 wolf doesn’t hop on the Support Chloe Train to get me to townread them as i roll over

I’m having a very hard time determining who fits the bill because I’m biased, but if you and sulit could take a look at this overnight post-flip it would be pretty great
It’s not like both of you can die, wowee

Ftr I’m heavily leaning EVO as having TMI’d me town and trying to yoink cred for being correct on me, while simultaneously get me to give a legacy townread on him

I’m honestly not trying to tilt people

I genuinely do think it’s the best play for town

Like yeah it sucks but tomorrow will be more of the same, and we will get NOTHING done

Unless you can find a 100% guaranteed wolf for us to flip, I should absolutely be the elim as it’s incredibly +EV

Townread me Chloe

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

sulit still hasnt tried to interact with me


all she did was put her vote on me and then not talk about it


I don’t want to you weird me out and you have no thread presence
