Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Catching up on the thread since SoD rn, but I agree with Light about Marshal’s tone already

im ready

slam me papi


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isn’t conroy a minor?


Did you think I was gonna NK u


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im literally older than most of you

FK you’re free to post whatever bigass case you had on me yesterday

unless it no longer matters because marl isnt here to see it and locktown you for it

I don’t sound different

Your mere “tone reads” are futile

im withholding from talking about marshal for the time being

because i dont know how the fuck i feel about him lol

Was definitely hoping for it
Did not, do not want to be in this game anymore

/vote Marshal

I don’t have the case anymore and I’m not going to bother making another one unless there’s a good chance you won’t get yeeted without one

If you dance enough you may force me to actually put effort into creating another wall post :’)

Guess im doing the tango

I still think Chloe should die

She literally did the “self vote and AtE and actually say they want to die”

I respect chloe omega more to think she’s villa, she took the game hostage

But I’m more focused on identifying villas

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how do you just “lose” a wallpost?

I deleted it

i have the post but its missing the fucking google spreadsheet i made now