Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Yes but it still does prove my point


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im sitting on content that is bound to never see the light of day

it doesnt

you cant seriously use the evidence of a single individual
who happens to be the weirdest goddamn FM player on this planet

yes I can because I just did

get dunked on

you can say it but it doesnt make it true

moving the goal posts :joy_cat:

using a 1-person sample size



i don’t know why i’m here or what i’m doing this game is weird

FK/Light/Trochi/Grace varying degrees of wolfy
leafia is probably my most confident villager
i think chloe is probably >rand v

I mean

Marl was pretty clear about the fact that he spent most of yesterday thinking the team was exactly Chloe/me/Night

maybe he was starting to turn that around by EoD or maybe he wasn’t, it doesn’t really … matter? like FMPoV regardless of his read on me that doesn’t change the fact that I’m town

if you’re specifically asking about the thing where he died I’m assuming that was (a) because he was an obvious villager and (b) because of his read on Chloe (regardless of her alignment, actually, like, I think she’s probably a wolf but I think he dies about half the time if she’s a villager)

(I am being facetious here)

Litten I have a question for you too

how long did it take you to make that screenshot collection of Marl’s posts/when did you make it?

i actually think he was leaning towards me/evo/night towards eod?

can re-read i guess

but like
context with the gaslighting comment doesnt make sense if he thinks youre a wolf? since his 3rd wolf was night no matter what

i think night was not villagery but had potential to be such earlier

so like


I literally said I had class my dude :upside_down_face:

sulit v or something

trochi unironically wolfier than night



answer the question