Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

This game is bringig out the worst of me for reasons i dont quite understand

I apologize if i e madethis an unfun experience for anyone

Now, bye

yes reading people based off their personalities is something that is common

on the off chance that Chloe, Night, Me all get yeeted and marshal is still alive please kill marshal for not caring about the game state right now

you literally acknowledged this!

I don’t really want Marshal to last that long lol

and you act like it’s somehow new relevant information!

Either FK or Marshal should be today’s yeet.

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“off chance”?
are you saying this like you haven’t been pushing me blatantly or is this just based off of the relative unlikeliness us of all three dying consecutively


I have been mixing your names because you are both the same slot

I misread your post

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that wasn’t my question lol

I know

I’m saying marshal is so unconcerned with what’s happening so if everyone who is punching each other in the arena end up dead you yeet marshal like a cow

or rather getting punched

Wolves have a habit of ignoring what’s going on whenever it benefits them.

completely valid point
but I can’t tell if this is just distancing from a scum partner tbh

if people want to yeet Marshal today, though, I’m all for it

Good. /vote Marshal @katze

Couldn’t remember if my vote was on him or not.

Cows are pretty heavy, although I don’t know exactly how much… let me go ask katze’s mom.
I don’t think I could yeet one, though.

I realized something important

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