Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

alright then
fwiw i’m still not townleaning you yet
my paranoia says all this was a show to pocket me


I’ll bag wolves but if I chop obv villagers it’s ez

Wagon on me is stupid as fuck but kk


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well then
bag a wolf

Now get off or I’m going monke

I might have thought Night was pushing agenda but I don’t think Trochi’s been pushing agenda so meh

I could have just as easily pocketed you by not being aggressive, fwiw.

monke see
monke do

Probably much easier, in fact.

that’s the problem with you light

If you down me I’m going to put a PoE of 5 and garuntee the win if you listen and roast the fuck out of you if you don’t

Bold of you to assume I only have one problem
I have many

Now phones at 1% so bye

the more light trochi games i read the more i believe their meta on each other is a coin toss

yeet marshal for a guaranteed win sounds like a good deal

marshal do you have any cons to getting yeeted


you know what i mean
anything you do i’m likely going to be paranoid you’re pocketing me
it’s why i don’t generally like to read you

I don’t have meta on them
I judge them based on my past because of how similar of people we are

then read Light off his interactions with other people and not with you