Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

oh I guess you addressed that

Arete vs Chloe just feels off to me but I haven’t read anything

oh no arete hasn’t gotten to me calling it w/w yet so they can’t be disappointed in me yet

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arete’s point is like “chloe v would be better” but like my last game with v chloe was 9+ months ago im fairly sure

kinda stupid take

i kinda like arete for the fact that they liked my post after they finished their wallpost which lets me know that theyre reading up and actually care about thread

this isn’t me calling it w/w btw, this is literally me calling it weird

chloe: arete w?
arete: chloe w
chloe: arete w!
arete: chloe w because this
chloe: u wrong, wolf 4 wrong
arete: no u
chloe: large wall y arete wolf
arete: large wall y chloe wolf chloe wrong

here’s all of chloe’s and arete’s posts if you want

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I feel like this has the problem ‘if Chloe is somehow town wolves kill me to frame her’

which I don’t think is likely

and the odds of it go down with every post she writes

but technically it’s possible


i’m pretty sure you’re right but how sweet would it be if i were right

let’s focus on every other slot

Yeah I understand what you’re saying and I’m somewhat seeing it, but I’m literally liking both of them individually
and we all know i’m towngod light so

wolfy suggestion

thank you this completely makes me understand everything going on

/ban Chloe

god is dead and he has abandoned us

no because I think she’s a villager

or /vote Chloe

idk who I want to vote in Chloe or Arete, I just want to park my vote before I sleep lol

dont know what the fuck you expect me to do about that at 2 pm on a monday my dude

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I’m ignoring chloe / arete takes right now on each other

D1 “I caught wolf” syndrome is a hell of a drug
let it die down and then they’ll be able to objectively anyalze their feelings

i hate mondays