Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

okay why

I’m still TR’ing her
My headspace is just kinda fucky wucky atm and pettiness and spite are all I have been driven to

tell me more

because I wanted him to note that


and yeah why specifically aroot

Arete doing it is

Objectively bad tbh

Ping me to look at it like in an hour so I get a notification for it in the morning

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bruh im gunna fall sleepat my desk in an hr


Winds Read on FK is kinda weird tbh

like, he knows Chloe had a bad d1, and even acknowledges it, but then he also kinda fucking ignores that chloe read when it came to FK vs Chloe d2, and Votes FK as he reads him more as a wolf than Chloe.

Its an off read, and because of :b:ased associations, slot looks worse if Chloe Flips W (Which i feel pretty confident on)

Sleepy night bed times

i’ve decided to reread the thread in its entirety soon because some of this doesn’t make sense to me and i would like it to

what if i bumped trochi up to hard town

lol theres not much going for them but what if i just… did? :flushed: ?

i mean you’d be valid
but i would question why

I didn’t jump on it

I’m pretty sure I was the first one to suggest it

and then you jumped on it

get boxed in


were playing with some of our sites most In quotes “Advanced Players”

basically, rereading and going through dead peoples reads is the way to go as town


i qAS literally hinting at it before i went to slee


i see these things that i can’t place and i’m like weh
i just want to have more background on everything and i wish i had done it before replacing which is weh
i’m a lazy lil bitch and i want to Not be