Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Gorta doesn’t decide NK here because trees

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(sorry Gorta lol)

that meme is older than your existence

its the equivalent of me making a dybudabu joke

my first game was before dybudabu actually

i joined fol forums before chloe wtf

Im a baby

I’m noob lol

i didnt know u were such a baby

googoogaga chloe let the elders decide the fate of the yeet :sunglasses:

Conroy is experienced

Therefore a wolf!

Bc marl died!

I’m not ruling anything out, but I don’t know

you have 58 days on fol me only 28 u obviously more experienced im less experienced didnt do the nk

Isn’t it possible that Marl was just killed because he was TR’d? I didn’t realize he was consensus TR’d til someone pointed that out to me later, but I guess that’s a thing too

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I have never played many games with Chloe and Marl in the same game tbqh, so I don’t know how they treat each other

i mean marl was also very convinced in his reads

and i dont want to take that away from him tbh

I don’t think you would need an experienced wolfteam to make a Marl NK (regardless of Chloe’s alignment) and even if you did need that it would only need 1 experienced player

such as


the answer either boosts my ego or makes me likelier to be townie so its gain/gain

All aboard