Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Oh i was being sarcastic

But i’ll take the free gorta meta

imo wolves usually hate effort though

Conroy doesnt

But i do find this shit villagery regardless

you know what I take that back, they put a shit ton of effort into their endgame and that’s what it is
cause that’s when Gorta existed the most I’ve ever seen him
also saw Whysper do that as wolf in LyLo in Countries FM and she won the game as the last wolf

Gorta/Windward/Grace - C-
Gorta/Windward/Trochi - C
Gorta/Windward/Leafia - C
Gorta/Windward/Blizer - C
Gorta/Windward/Marshal - C+

Gorta/Grace/Trochi - C-
Gorta/Grace/Leafia - C-
Gorta/Grace/Blizer - C-
Gorta/Grace/Marshal - C

Gorta/Trochi/Leafia - C
Gorta/Trochi/Blizer - C
Gorta/Trochi/Marshal - C+

Gorta/Leafia/Blizer - C
Gorta/Leafia/Marshal - C

Gorta/Blizer/Marshal - C+

this isn’t endgame though so idk

conclusion: gorta probably not wolf unless its a firekitten/marshal/sulit team mix

Windward/Grace/Trochi - C-
Windward/Grace/Leafia - C-
Windward/Grace/Blizer - C
Windward/Grace/Marshal - C+

Windward/Trochi/Leafia C+
Windward/Trochi/Blizer - C+
Windward/Trochi/Marshal - B

Windward/Blizer/Marshal - B-

Grace/Trochi/Leafia - C-
Grace/Trochi/Blizer - C
Grace/Trochi/Marshal - C+

Grace/Leafia/Blizer - C-
Grace/Leafia/Marshal - C+

Grace/Blizer/Marshal - C+

I’m literally vanity searching myself in your team assessments and wondering how you got this one
I mean if I were bussing Marshal then absolutely, and I guess I’ve been waffling on Chloe a lot, but I don’t like the idea of bussing this early in the game
which is lolselfmeta and I have no wolf games you can compare to, but I legit think bussing at this point is weh and if wolves are doing it then they either have an obvwolf they want to get rid of for towncred or they’re just making a suboptimal play (and I think it’s the former moreso than the latter, although it might just be a combination of both)

wait a bit

its mostly thing high bc i dont see u as obviously non-aligned in a world where it’s marshal/chloe w/w which in a vacuum isnt a very likely team but u mainly look worse bc u are paired with at least 1 wolf and I don’t also see u as obvious non W/W with marshal or chloe

I feel like im shitting on conroy’s scumgame if i say that i find it hard to remain this consistent as a wolf

But i do?? Is this

Should i be
TRing this
Because i do


Trochi/Leafia/Blizer - C
Trochi/Leafia/Marshal - C+

Trochi/Blizer/Marshal - B-

Leafia/Blizer/Marshal - C+

think thats it


conclusion is fairly obvious

i guess it just consolidates some of my trs

which is good

maybe i got nicer as time went on

so you’re saying, in your current PoE, the most likely scumteam consists of at least Arete and Marshal?