Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

i have a take

pokemon peaked at gen 4 and 5 but primarily due to the quality of the spinoffs

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is this an anagram


/ban @everyone

game’s over, gg.

only villagers can understand what i said

-1 point

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I genuinely think Centuries failed to understand it :joy_cat:

i really did

what does it mean help

who wins though

ah yes

a backwards way of saying you dont understand it either

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everyone knows only villagers can spell innocent backwards

first rule of TTT

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Chloe don't read this

Chloe’s posts all feel kind of awkward

it’s not, like, super awkward, but the tone is just slightly off

like she’s singing a slightly different arrangement of a song that you’ve heard a hundred times, and it’s not wrong, exactly, but it sounds wrong

are you okay


oh yeah it works

i read it

and your take is dogshit


arete can leave the box

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is this an anagram too

in like
a good way
you dont want to be in the box