Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

v v v viiiilager

im sheeping your case harder

what is up, fellow villagers chloe and arete :sunglasses:

are my takes dumb

I don’t think so

Cause if your takes are dumb then so are mine

arete can be towntowntown

wind can go to PoE

sulit goes in the butterzone


blizers villagery but h




I’m thinking, by the way.


thinking that nobody actually read my long-ass wallpost because I was nice and spoilered it

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Light has good points
Wanna see arete response

why does this happen when jm dying of exhaustion

I read the whole thing

lmao fucking nerd

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Marshal Leafia, Chloe, Centuries, WindwardAway 4/7
Firekitten Arete, Marshal 2/7
sulit Firekitten 1/7
Arete Blizer 1/7
Trochilidae Trochilidae 1/7
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, Grace, sulit, Light 4

its a lot of words which is villagery (the points you brought up were, like, decent and i cna see how you got there, also you did it a lot)

I don’t really have much to say beyond that, fely more like outlining your thoughts on the thing more than bringing anything spicay to the table

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Some notes, perhaps food for thought:
I think that there’s a couple things I’m thinking about.
Wind/Arete are probably not aligned here.
Arete/Marshal have a decent chance to be aligned here.
Arete/Chloe have a small but non-zero chance to be aligned here.
The fact that there has been a decently large amount of people sr’ing FK and yet this wagon isn’t taking off is more food for thought, still trying to digest this though.

i fucking hate this

i fucking hate this

list literally 2 of my opinions. you have 20 seconds.

one is that you dont know how arete thought that it was A-B thingy (me excited over mist for getting ML vs catching wolf) and that my probing / casing LHF slots would only be done as wolf to ocket

I can see the action of pushing Mist as coming from Marshal as any alignment, but I found specifically the emotions he was feeling to be very genuine. I don’t think his emotion if he were CFDing an LHF villager as a wolf would be excitement per se.

Litten – when I first brought up the possibility of Marshal/Chloe V/V, he started misconstruing what I was saying in a way that felt kind of agenda-y. When I posted my wallpost, he got upset, and his reasoning for getting upset didn’t really make sense if he actually believed I was a wolf, which he claimed to. Also, he’s been addressing me in a way that doesn’t feel like he’s talking to a player he genuinely believes is a wolf. (Also, I’m still kind of not a fan of how it seemed like he knew Marl was going to die right at SoD, but this is sort of a weak point.)

Wind – A lot of her reads feel like she had the answer in mind before making the read, which points to her thought process not being totally genuine. Also, her response to my arguments that Marshal and Chloe were V/V was kind of weh – rather than actually responding to my main points, she got really hung up on some sort of argument about me giving a five-person PoE (still kind of unclear about what her actual issue with this was to be totally honest)

idk Centuries I guess, I feel less strongly about this one – Some of his arguments haven’t really sat right with me (e.g. saying that we shouldn’t kill outside of Chloe/Marshal because if we kill a villager it’ll suck, without really acknowledging that it would also suck if we killed in them and killed a villager). Also, he’s claimed wolf several times, and he really likes jokingly wolfclaiming as wolf for some reason.

I read it
It was a good wallpost

these were both in the first couple paragraphs. Interesting to note, but not wrong, even if they took nearly twice the time allotted. (yes, I have decided to be a dick about it).