Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

We aren’t voting out you today, we are voting out Chloe today. However I promise if they aren’t scum then I’ll gladly be voted out next :’)

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i legit dont believe you believe this about anyone but litten if ure town

like genuinely dumbfounded by this after seeing not only my posts but wind’s too

What’s the current VC?

I haven’t hallucinated yet so that’s good but that’s probably because I was focused on this

Yes but this is literally what you’ve been doing to me all day
You’ve been pulling sneaky things out of the sidelines of my arguments and discrediting me with them imo


I mean

Wind has a lot of words

they just … don’t respond to any of my actual arguments?

like if I try to trace a line through their thought process they are at the very least not considering my arguments in good faith, I am not calling them lock wolf for that because I know they’re new and it’s possible that they’re just really tunnelled on a me!wolf world such that they’re not allowing themself to consider a world where I’m town + right, but their entire response to my wallpost can be summarized as ‘since Arete is saying this, Marshal is probably a wolf, because Arete is trying to push away from the top two wagons,’ like that’s not even a mischaracterization it’s the crux of their argument

the fact that they have a lot of words doesn’t change that

This is super ironic lmao

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Marshal Chloe, Centuries, WindwardAway, Leafia 4/7
Firekitten Arete, Marshal 2/7
Arete Blizer, an_gorta_pratai 2/7
sulit Firekitten 1/7
Trochilidae Trochilidae 1/7
Not Voting Grace, sulit, Light 3

Prob sleep soon, specs have permission to vc

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Arete is just twisting my words as I said at least once, if not twice, earlier

It’s obvious to me because I know what I meant to say and I’m pretty sure Arete knows it too because they aren’t dumb

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that’s what I’m talking about when I say pushing an agenda

I’m going to try to sleep anyway

even tho I’m probably not going to be able to

because if I don’t I’m literally going to not be able to think at all

The thing is that I SR’d you earlier and you’re still in my PoE.
The difference is that you’re in roughly the same position I’m in versus Arete, so GTH if I thought I’d shoot scum, I’d pick Arete out of the two of you by comparison. Either way, one of my scumreads was obviously wrong.


Uh sorry the larger PoE

Not the narrow one with 3 people but the wider one with 5

okay I’m going to bed goodnight

Arete has just pushed themselves down so far in my list that I’m more willing to move you up in comparison

I hate mafia plz let me sleep

this isn’t ai but I hate the fact that I rely on meds to sleep and it scares me

everyone except fk is trying to pocket me

Maybe listen to the person who isn’t pocketing you, then

Wind if you are actually town here, which I doubt but technically isn’t impossible, I think you should seriously rethink how you make reads, you’ve basically spent the entire day confbiasing yourself based on the conclusion you want to see and only evaluating things from that perspective and considering whether it fits with that perspective, rather than actually considering other possibilities and trying to figure out what makes the most sense, if you’re actually a villager that’s a bad habit to be in and your reads will be more accurate if you can break it