Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

how is his worldview not shattered

because mine is

But if I give my take on it, Arete will come back into the thread and say I’m confbiased about them being a team lol

ftr I’m more confident on Chloe V than Marshal V, which is weird given my read on her for most of the day, but the bookmarks post is just so villagery yes this is my entire basis for this read

i dont think marshal/arete is always w/w tbh

at least i guess

why didnt he ever think ‘chloe and arete could be wolves’

did he?

Can the bookmarks post be faked by a wolf in your opinion?

I mean technically but I think the odds are very very low

iirc he said he was a v so if you were a v arete was a v

I don’t remember anything else

Not always but it’s still highly likely
But looking at them individually I’d vote either of them without a complaint

marshal/fk is also likely imo

is wanting conroy to drink tomato juice really the villageriest thing ive done this game

if so
fuck me

i needa retire

What do you think of Marshal sheeping your reads, then?

it sketches me out a bit but I can see it coming from townshal

nobody can ever use bookmark tells from this point forward

this is a historical moment

get fucked FoL

Works once, never again lol

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wAs ThIs MeAnT fOr ScUmChAt

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im not excluding a “there’s a less good player among wolves” world

god I scared myself

Who would that be though
Afaik I’m the only one who’s relatively new besides Grace
And Grace is lol

I feel like I’m rlly paranoid right now but not about people just about my surroundings