Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

that took longer than I was expecting

goodnight everyone

big trouble incoming but when people talk about me i feel the need to respond

thats very overblown imo

ok so

before your post i was pretty much thinking “chloe is v marshal is w” which i still think is the solve here, your wall pushes for a worldview that is in my opinion wrong and has ulterior motives

Chloe already pointed this out but bascially, what you’re trying to point out thread as like (before your post) is that it was basically an all-out war where it was Chloe VS Marshal nothing else discussion wise and our plan was to always kill both of them

IMO that’s totally not it

Marshal was at 5 votes, Chloe at 1, Chloe wasn’t the biggest CW to the Marshal wagon, Sulit was.

Thread consensus was pretty much “Chloe is most likely V” and Chloe’s likeliness of dying is way overblown

Already I don’t like how you paint it “me daring to have the audacity to challenge his worldview”

You make it look like my opinions/takes this game have been stale, unchanging and I’ve been pushing some weird wolf agenda in a V/V marshal/chloe world where I try to powerwolf and gib both of them villagers

I think it’s pretty obviously not what I’ve been doing, most of my reads have been flipped at one point, reminder that I was coming into the day with a Marshal!V Chloe!W take and that I proceeded to unvote Chloe when she was about to die to let her gain some time

The misrepresentation here is pretty damn hardcore

Once, yes. Firstly you’re ignoring the context which was literally Marshal himself making a “Gorta tree mafia joke” (you can see that I’m talking about the joke because my message before that was literally the tree emoji and a joycat I don’t think you can do any more obvious)

Then of course there’s the fact that you’re mis-using this meta, quite literally the last game we played together I also jokingly openwolfed, flipped town, but I guess this doesn’t fit your worldbuilding? You literally did something very similar in that game as a wolf, people pushed me saying I “openwolfed” and I yelled time and time again that I simply did not, it was a lie that was being used as a meme after we killed 2 mafia in the first cycle of the game and people basically had given up, back then you also ignored information and context in order to fit your agenda, last time you faked not seeing the posts where I was literally @ ing you telling I wasn’t doing that, this time I guess you just refuse to see the context?

Okay so finally this is the new argument you’re bringing up

Acting on what here? I said it was possibly V/V twice, Chloe mindmelded with me, I let you guys actually try and resolve the argument and you both acted very childlike by calling each other toxic and then going “nah its you the big bad wolf” and I wish I was actually using fallacies to mispaint you as something you didn’t do but you and Wind did that.

Only thing you can criticize me for here is not jumping into thread and going “Oh stop guys I think you’re V/V”, which do you really want me to go back and grab the posts there? Come on I’m not the police.

On my read, it’s only 55% serious, I do think there’s an association based read I can make, you and FK being V/W (and then it’s probably Sulit Marshal here)

I really don’t understand your read on me, it’s half literally ignoring important stuff / context and half just not going in dehpt

It’s shocking that I’m here instead of that

Because even if my ISO is 7x her size, I can bet you on my life in this game that I have over 7x the amount of posts that can get me townread for

I don’t know if it’s because my postcount is bigger so you’re being lazy about my slot

Or that you just put me here because along with the other two I’ve actually went against your wall that isn’t correct in its worldview

Or that you may simply be scum

but this read sucks

not even re-reading myself here im pressing reply and speedrunning my sleepschedule

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dont ask me why im even talking to you here when it doesnt look like you have interest in reading me so i might aswell speak to the thread

their read on me suck

its probably the same thing for a few other people

i know arete mafia goat or something but cmon

lets not treat this read as gospel


also yes its missing word hf figuring out my surrendermonkey cheese eating whiteflag speak

as ive said earlier, doesnt feel like ure interested in reading me and its more so that im put here for the sake of putting me somewhere


Once again, Arete is doing the same thing that he said I was doing to himself, which just reinforces the fact that he’s a wolf.


Notice how different Arete is treating me slot and Wind’s slot lol

Blizer is finally here

I just woke up and im having my coffee

i agree with that also

Occams razor is still like dancing in my mind, and Chleb CFD i want to do

Arete thing?

yeah i agree with that

they are treating both you and wind very differently

i think the ranch dip discussion really kinda showed that lol

I stg, if arete is a wolf,

they got fucking caught over a discussion of ranch dip

yesterday seems so strange and that may be because I was hallucinating in the thread

Chleb has taken a page from your book

they have near 1.3k posts

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in a 15er

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