Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

So Marshal/Litten/Arete or Marshal/Litten/Wind?

Did you read the interactions between Litten and Arete yet?

It’s things like this that make me think you could be a wolf. We never PL a member of the towncore this early on. Es pl specially if we yeet a wolf. If we keep hitting villagers, then and only then should we worry about deep wolves.

im only saying that

because i actually want someone who wont be pocketed easily come lylo

and someone who isnt a fucking tree

I don’t think Blizer was implying you’re a deep wolf

Summary of this game:
Everyone is a wolf except for easy pockets and a tree

Yeah, great.

Im not implying a deep wolf

There is the potential for it in Chleb Wolf worlds

but its Leafia so yea, it town

You’re actively helping the wolves if you’re a villager. You’re never the night kill here.

I’m not on laptop nor am I going to be so I’m not going to be posting a wall post however I’m going to direct you certain posts


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@osieorb18 read these posts from arete and tell me your thoughts on them

I already posted about these posts somewhere here however I’ll love to know what you think about them


like, we can just and read they are town, cause they are

but there just gonna endgame, and be fucking manipulated and pocketed

yes, what im suggesting is EV-, i fucking know that

but i think for the health of town, if we lynch a wolf, i think we should lynch there asses simply to make sure isnt fucked in a lylo or mylo scenario

The first quote you should probably read the quotes around it because it has to do with context


that entire thing

was just terribad

Yup and I’ve read everything up to this post of yours.

The one problem with policy yeeting their slots is actually that we have less room in case we try to hit a wolf and miss and it puts us into LyLo

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I’m not pocketed easily and you obviously view me as a threat and want to yeet me over those you find scummy.

I know

its why its EV-

even i know that

im suggesting it, to simply like make sure town isnt fucked by lylo or mylo here

And you think the ranch dip interruption itself was worse than Arete’s reaction to it?

The way this game is going, we’re already fucked because the wolves are experienced and have already pocketed the town

I’m like… Done lol

You never want to yeet someone you believe is town over someone that you find scummy.

what about the fact that people try to policy yeet Gorta in almost every game