Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

What makes you so certain that Chloe is a wolf you three? Also, in your own words.

marl/leafia not w/w btw


She exploded into theater the instant the game began

So? That’s only one thing and how do you know she was being serious?

you think this is chloe trying to be funny

i’m going to shield chloe for the sake of it

i will also hammer chloe if she gets put to L-1


No, but it could be coming from v!Chloe too, especially with how quickly the votes on Chloe came.

Her early wallposts and progression on arete don’t feel real. It feels reminiscent of Morphogenetic Mafia in general where she made long wallposts to get people off her back and kinda just sate them. I asked her to chill on it and reflect and she clearly made little to no effort to do it, voting arete right before I asked her to clear her head and not really talking about what she reflected on. Her posts and attitude here is incredibly wolfy, she’s kinda just pumping out reads ignoring the serious effort to get her out. She never really challenged it in any tangible way and instead just shaded her pushers. Wolves know villagers are inherently right about their wolfreads on them and villagers know the reads are wrong, yet that hasn’t shown through her posts.

She’s given the sentiment she’s going down today but the chloe I know wouldn’t accept that as villager. She thinks she’s villagery as villager and should be challenging us but instead her reaction to this extreme pressure is a calm passivity that seems to be an attempt to give the illusion of looking villagery

The girl’s a wolf


There’s also the fact that almost no one is trying to defend Chloe.

there’s 2 other wolves if she w

there’s more than 2 people who think she’s v

and? Like 6 people are in thread right now. Wolves could be offline (like 1/2 the game), bussing (arete), or unable to know how to handle this

so like

what if chloe isn’t a wolf

because i honestly think that conclusion is being unhealthy for gamestate

Now this is something I can understand and that makes sense. Even if I don’t entirely agree with it.

That doesn’t make Chloe lockwolf.

i’m not even joking about hammering at L-1 btw

i think we’ve already progressed into a state where information generated today will be generally unhelpful regardless of chloe’s alignment

which is pretty impressive 3 hours in

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I’m not saying it is, it’s literally just a refutal to “her wagon lacks resistance”, not a wolfcase on her

because arete is the second wolf and nightingale doesn’t want to get involved because they know they will have to carry
Ive never been more confident on a day 1 scum ballpark

Your argument gets more and more stupid by the minute, Marl.


I’m tryna think but I probably have ~no conclusions besides sticking with you//sulit/leafia villagers and going from there

still inclined to slot marl as v in this scenario

I find it super unlikely but that’s about where I’m at