Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I’m not against a marshal yeet I just find it frustrating that it feels like I’m being ignored

like blizer can see what I’m seeing but it seems like everyone else just doesn’t see what I see

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It’s not being ignored

Its complacency

it might as well be ignoring me

why is there so many posts in this game


I’m not ignoring you I just


Keep track of everything

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Marshal Chloe, Centuries, WindwardAway, Leafia, Blizer 5/7
Firekitten Arete, Marshal 2/7
Arete an_gorta_pratai, Firekitten 2/7
Not Voting Grace, sulit, Light, osieorb18 4

Yell at me or another Host/VC Bot if this VC is wrong.

what do you think of my arete argument


It’s a game with FK

my skin is going brr and it’s not the time skin

I’m not even top poster

Marshal’s lamist shit on me on d1 that was reminiscent of agenda he pushed in another game

Having shitty d1 progression on me that looked opportunistic, as well as egging marl on to continue his tunnel on me

Purposely interrupting my Q+A session with sulit to distract me and annoy me

Asking Blizer a question after Blizer subbed in and acting like the answer was mega villagery when… it was entirely NAI

These are the first things my brain thinks of when I think of Marshal

yeah yeah i get it

good luck gamers

What game


I agree with you on your Marshal points

It is bad

I just prefer Arete over Marsh, but I guess that’s just pov

Search in the thread for “ash4fun”

I linked it

I’m a villager

I’m only being defended by sulit and arete

and, shocker, unless you think tahts the team you should maybe be concenred that literally the entire game wants me gone

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im a really good wolf

im literally never wagoned d2 as wolf

i’m far far better than that, lol


i’ve never not been towncore at some point as wolf in the past like 10 months

that’s not rlly a good argument