Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

this game isnt fun


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I would say I want an apology but right now I’m weirdly inconsistent in how much ego I want to have rn and that’s mainly due to me worrying that I look rude

an apology if Chloe flips wolf *

It took marshal like 12h to get into a villager mindset regarding arete’s case

He sheeped it like gospel without having any portion of his worldview shattered

He’s now voting me bc hes appealing to the two people here who can and have voiced intent to change their votes to me

Its partially self-pres so this isnt entirely AI because… well… yeah im the most likely wagon to go out besides him

But this was entirely predictable

Read my big “legacy”

I might go back to sleep

None of the villagers will vote Chloe Litten.

whatever you say

Why wasn’t my earlier mindset a villager one? Why couldn’t I just have agreed with arete’s case. Why couldn’t I have felt thread was treating our slots weirdly and wanted out of it? Why can’t a villager mindset change their mind. I saw new evidence, I changed my mind / approach.

Town is too smart. You’re just trying to save the wolfiest wolf that ever wolved.

ok whatever you say

/vote Chloe


3 more votes

we can do this


We Gaming

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our wolf team has expanded to 4 members

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Because you thought i was the wolfiest mfer to exist and you kinda just read arete’s case and went “yep this is probably true, cool” and there was no indication of gears turning in your head

this does not feel right :tm:

Don’t you dare vote Chloe. Vote Marshal the caught wolf.

Gamer move sulit

Hello, I’m playing on my phone in bed

Sulit prob vote chloe because sulit think marshal townier
