Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses


can you explain your entire thought process at EoD please

how crazy is that


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here’s proof my sleep schedule sucks if u want that chloe

I can draw you my room to show how lazy I couldve not gotten also

I’m willing to do a ton of shit so you realize my eod isnt that terrible

she townread marshal and i was in her poe

I think your EoD was godawful for someone who is/was certain on me being a villager
As you didn’t put in any effort to help me, and you sidelined and had zero thread presence

This looks much worse with a Marshal v flip, and I think is heavily indicative of you being a wolf who was content with the state of the game

have you read my post

i read it and it all relies on things i cant confirm

such as you being tired or whatever

i get that
but eod is legitimately the most important part of the day and you had no thread presence in the slightest

Mmm I am weak to large amounts of words

i dont really know why im talking to you
because its not like im going to convince you youre a wolf

but thats just my 2 cents

Attention please.

Arete being a villager can in, absolutely no way be blamed on me.

How is that possible? You might ask.

You’re the one who gunned for him relentlessly. You might say.

This is both true, and false.

Now you are probably confused, this is completely understandable.

I come from a poor background, lived most of my life in isolation and have been neglected by everyone and everything.

One day however, everything changed. It was yesterday. I was, as usual, screaming my lungs out, fighting for what I truly believed was right. I was trying to make a change, I have attempted, to the best of my abilities which have been honed through blood, sweat and tears to lead town to the path of victory.

They called me a heretic.

They thought my words were pure blasphemy.

Amidst the darkness, a small, glimmering light of hope appeared in front of me. As I was contemplating just putting an end to it all, someone reached out to me.

That person was Blizer. They not only gave me attention, they even acknowledged me. They believed in the me/me. They said it was a “bad” joke. To anyone else this might seem like dismissal, but not to me. To me it was the first time someone bothered to figure out what I was trying to say, it was the first time anyone looked in my general direction for more than .0368 seconds.

At that moment I cried and I cried and I kept crying. The tears wouldn’t stop. They couldn’t stop.

They were tears of pure happiness, all of the pain and suffering which I’ve endured for what felt like centuries upon centuries, millennia.

That was it. That was the turning point, everything was going to be okay. I was going to lynch a wolf and charge ahead confidently with my newfound hope.

But what I did not know was that this, just like every other time I decided that I would open my eyes for yet another day, was a mistake.

Arete had died, he was town. I was wrong. I felt the world shaking below my feet, the sky was turning red, the toilet paper was running out. “Oh no, this can’t be!!!” - I said desperately to myself. With my jaw on the floor, tears of pure despair running down my cheeks… I shut down. My final thought, in my final moment of consciousness went to Blizer, the one which had given me something to yearn for, something to look forward to…

“Are you going to save me again?..” - Ephesians wondered as his mind went blank and his consciousness faded.

didn’t mean to respond to you but that’s ok

what the fuck

thats like parotting to the extreme

I only look worse in hindsight because FK and Leafia were spamming thread

moreover I didn’t think the CW was that big or existed at all

As I said, I could’ve just not waken because I knew my vote wasn’t moving and I was going to be tired

whats the point of these

like i legit dont get why you keep filling thread with useless copypastas or song lyrics or whatever

there’s no point

reminder i wrote this 4-5 hours before eod

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it’s me eating food and trying to eat first before actually doing stuff

Okay, I think I actually believe that Wind believed those posts when they wrote them.

We need to PoE down to 3? Okay. Centuries’ post is spammy nonsense, but I sorta want to give it props because if they’re scum, it’s some pretty excessive spammy nonsense. And I like the sulit read.

I still don’t want to seriously PoE Light or Leafia because their posts were boring.

So if Sulit isn’t a thing for toDay (which might change soon), then…

FIrekitten/Gorta/Blizer is where I’m looking at on PoE.

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