Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses


I was trying to realtime with people because I had made up my mind and everyone who was voting was too busy sucking their… lollipops and feeding their egos to focus on other slots whatsoever. If you can point out a single person who was actually, 100% genuinely willing to switch their vote at that EoD, I will vote myself.

@Grace @an_gorta_pratai pls dont vote chloe

read thread

but not chloe

think about fk


No it doesn’t, Arete TR’d Chloe
It condemns me and it condemns Litten, and it condemns Centuries because he’s in their PoE as well
But it does not condemn Chloe

You and i both know Treeman is gonna vote Chloe here

blizer in what world do i kill arete

arete townread me

i kill you in literally 100% of worlds because you would tunnel me, and because arete being alive means i have a strong town supporter

your worldview is so skewed that youre refusing to look at logic and instead using everything you can to fit your narrative because you want me to be a wolf

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please think blizer for just a second activate ur thinking power


you can control and push a narrative with Aretes death, because they TR`d you

thats fucking why.

I’ve played too many
although that equates to about two games if we’re factoring in activity :^)

Which is why I disregarded activity because he always fucking slanks in every single fucking game he’s in
although it is worth noting that I caught him off of trying too hard previously, so this read is kinda flawed…


She can legit push that narrative and read from Arete

Come the fuck on Cent

jesus christ


because i arete TR’d me I’d LEAVE THEM ALIVE


why would i kill arete and hope for people to listen to the word of a dead townie when i could leave that townie alive

why make horrible nightkills when i can make optimal nightkills



arete nk is bad for her

From an MU game with myself and Marl:

Tunneled Town Marl is often wrong and Scum Marl FPS’s to no end.


wolves want optimal!!

easier to win for chloe by keeping arete who is wrong alive

than b y killing them!!!
pealzeklerjetgug gh

Marluxion doesn’t die when he’s tunneled and wrong though, right?

Im gonna just like

ignore those two at this point

maybe when im actually in a better mood, ill entertain but like

im not dealing with this atm

Have you been in a game where Gorta was wolf? Cause he wallposted when he was a wolf and I played with him

Arete’s townreads have a better record than Marl’s tunnels.

just read this

put it in your brain

why the absolute hell do i kill the person who is supporting me and hope and pray for people to sheep their reads

when i could leave that person alive so they can continue to townread me

it makes zero


Gorta has 82 posts… Jesus Christ. The fucking host nearly has more posts than you AND ITS DAY THREE, GORTA.
EVO, who literally slanked and then got modkilled D1 has more posts than you
Do fucking anything holy shit @an_gorta_pratai