Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I think it can be

cause like

looking at the flips and deaths again

narrative can be used here for wolves to put us at each others throats

i disagree

i also find it interesting that you only focus on wind trying to diffuse the situation, when multiple other people have tried

Sounds fair to me.

I went from light to wind because they are both in my Poe, you should know this reading my posts lol

Im just wanting to like

take a step back

i got emotinally to much wound up

again, i should stop posting for a bit, and just lay down, clear my head a bit

and come back into thread with some revitalization

i genuinely think chloe is v

i dont think i would be like

@ ing people in order to get them off chloe if i wasnt genuinely thinking she is v

i actually think wind could be a wolf too

wind has a lot of posts that feel like she thinks im a villager, yet im… in her poe

and they also misconstrue arete’s words a lot

and solve with conclusions in mind beforehand

i also think FK is near lockwolf and the way he distracted the thread from the arete/wind argument is very w/w indicative
try to get pressure off your buddy

If I was wolf I would be supporting this tunnel by Blizer, not being off in my own fairy land right now

you know i also realize something

i think chloe would keep arete alive

simply because they could have been mislynch bait aswell

but also, FK could have done that aswell if hes wolf

same with wind

idk man

the Arete kill is like

the most confusing kill in the world

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thats not true at all

you’ll just cfd to me at eod

theres no need for you to waste energy on me now when it isnt near plurality time

Okay. I’ll save a spot for you.

nvm i got distracted im weak brb

that’s kind of an odd conclusion
and I think Light said the opposite so uh

Just in general

the Arete kill makes sense, yet no sense

for so many wolf teams that are possible

its, a confusing kill in that aspect

cause it both destroys narratives, yet it enforces narratives at the same time

I’ll like to also state that if I’m w and Chloe is v I never kill marluxion there, and if for some asinine reason you believe I would you would have to also believe that I would do the same thing with regards to blizer in order to make Chloe look bad

because killing arete ruins the tempo of a chloe push


thats an Arete kill probs the best from so many wolf worlds

cause you can just fucking cause mass chaos in town tbh

Causing chaos is good for villagers, not wolves. Chaos ruins tempo

this is also not true at all

youre the best wolf out of any player here and using level-1 reasonings for NKA to support you is completely and utterly invalid

Centuries was the only one to suggest that I could be v/v with Arete when we were going back and forth during the ranch dip discussion as I recall

I don’t think anyone agreed with that take but now that I know exactly what it was, I really want to point this out

and no, I can’t just wolfread Centuries for it since Arete said marshal/Chloe v/v and I thought it was TMI and was wrong

but it’s a thing.

this isn’t level 1

level 1 is killing arete