Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

you know

i feel like we have been discussing just two wolves, when in reality there are 3

and that is something i feel like i forget

is that 3rd fucking wofl

so uh

Osie says Light W
Light says Centuries V, Gorta W
Centuries says Chloe V
Chloe says Leafia V, Blizer V
Leafia says Chloe W
Blizer says Chloe W
FK says Chloe W
I don’t remember what Gorta says tbh

…this isnt helping me at all
I wanted to see if I could chain villagers but it didn’t work and this thread is a mess

honestly I think w!Chloe would just push me right away from the Arete flip
and she’s not doing that despite me being a very easy push now

she’s too busy pushing me

i want FK out today because he is a wolf and will get out of an elim down the line with me dead

hes too loud of a voice, too strong of a wolf, and has too much control of the thread



I could steal that post and post it and no one would question it

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3rd wolf is gorta :joy_cat: :christmas_tree: :evergreen_tree:

wait are we taking sulit as a wolf hereby rn

like also

if you think im bussing FK
then… let me bus FK?

the dude is the strongest player in this game
why the fuck would i bus him here

let me have the pelt

Sulit wolf

exists in many worlds tbh

and behaviour has been shit

also, if sulit flips wolf lol preflip, Chloe does look better in that regard tbh

Chloe I’m not sure you realize but saying “let me have this pelt” is really scummy

FK Sulit :joy_cat:

My scumteam coming into today was 2/3 and the 1/3 is tthe NK EZZZz claop

let me have this pelt

let me have this pelt

You have just as much control of the thread that he does right now actually.

i dont

im putting leafia on ignore for a few hours

didn’t you say that on D2 though

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d1 too!
