Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

mafia is hard


Am I bad for thinking FK/Centuries might be a team?

im trying to get him killed

Blizer each day we don’t yeet Chloe we just kick the can down the road a little later and some day someone’s going to pick the can up and yeet it and Chloe will never be yeeted

that’s what I imagine is going to happen

but at the same time

why did i sub into this game lol

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my reason for joining this game does not line up with my play this game LMAO

Also yeah @Chloe

it did look like FK kind gave wind an out in that convo tbh

like Wind join in on that discussion as FK and Cents discussed Ranch dressing.

also i saw an earlier post of me saying wind/arete was T/W

which, still applies here tbh

I would say I achieved the exact opposite objective with my play

I don’t even remember what I was saying wit the Chloe thing my mind just went zoom zoom when blizer said sometning

why did I sub into this game
it’s not like I’ve helped town whatsoever

i mean

i can say the samething

but were trying to help town

except for wolves, fuck them

I’m not even helping town and I’d vote myself out if I didn’t think we’d be too close to LyLo by doing it

but that’s even worse because I am town

Fuck it, we aren’t compromising today

if Chloe isn’t yeeted then they will never be and that’s a big issue

/Vote Chloe

how about you find an actual wolf

policy on d3 when i’ve been a villagery MFer isn’t the way to go

i think it would be much easier to yeet a compromise but at the same time I don’t think compromising is the best plan to not fuck up this game

Ok actually no

we are not yeeting Chloe

/vote Firekitten @katze

you aren’t a policy yeet why are you trying to paint yourself as one


spicy development