Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I dont know honestly if Wind knew Arete was gonna die or not from Winds opening post today

idk how long it took them to make that post

i kinda am leaning that Wind didnt know Arete was gonna die

thats how i feel about it

centuries can you answer my Chloe question

she was host


Chloe literally said yesterday they thought arete was going to die

Chloe was in a game where a wolf makes a wall post on the person who dies

Arete dies last night


I’m at the point where i kinda just wanna townread wind for having villagery mannerisms in terms of wim

And also

Newbwolf wind maybe not comfy? Or efforty? Or able to fake… drops and spikes?

What the fuck am i doing


I need to go to kat’s room and look at the spreadsheet :pensive:

it took at least an hour to write, maybe two hours because of both posts
and I hit the character limit when both were combined into one post so I had to split them lol

Once again

I literally explained why i did that



you did explain it

honestly I still would’ve said GTH scum Arete and if it were a ride-or-die I would literally just die on that read

yeah but I was referring more specifically to the second one and not the first one

In the instance arete was alive today they would be a very important slot to solve

So i put the time that i had last night into re-reading them

Like dude

i just went through a good portion of Conrad`s post there

Yeah honestly

weirdly kinda

want to lynch sulit today lol

I didn’t? I bookmarked it to go over later but idk if I liked it or if I was out of likes tbh

and maybe FK

or maybe Chloe


Def Sulit, it was actually kind of a solid case

please fake a laugh at the phd part

what does this mean

whoever I vote, I’m going to get accused of either distancing or being on a townie so it literally doesn’t matter and I’m not voting
cause I’ve already jumped my vote around today between Centuries, FK and Sulit but I’m sure I’m wrong

ohhh i get it brain is on


It doesn’t change the fact that you put that much time and effort into the wall post, when you thought that they had a good chance of dying, and you were in a game where a wolf literally did the same thing

your stated reasoning doesn’t matter when the motivation of doing it makes little sense when you thought that there was a big chance he died