Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I know how you feel
But that’s why I’m keeping my vote here I guess
I just want this over with lol

FK is pretty much locktown here if you think about it more than a few seconds. If he was wolf, why would he have pushed so hard on Chloe when he could just as easily yeeted Marshal? It makes no sense for him to be a wolf here.


i tried, i really did

But when you have people playing like its fucking survivor

i just yeah

FK saying “I don’t do X as wolf” for three days now is really not convincing

kinda scary how some of you flipped just like that tbh

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But he did want to yeet Marshal at some point, didn’t he? And so did you, so you can’t even use that as an argument

What else do you want

I try to give reasons to scumread Chloe
I try to push them

Yet the town has consistently refuted my efforts and it’s getting frustrating

You don’t even kill Chloe when I die, do you?

If you flip town, maybe
If you flip wolf obviously not

Wind is

something tbh

maybe its the 20 hours ive been awake for but im scared

I feel the same way. Part of me was hoping I’d be the night kill last night so I could apologize to to Marshal in person and actually find out just who the wolves actually are.

Yeah, but I tried very hard to yeet Chloe at EOD despite the fact that playing like that is scummy, not townie. As a wolf I would be aware of the fact and try to be more reasonable at EOD, instead, I didn’t care and did what I pleased because it was fun

you know

if Chloe/FK was TvT

fuck me honestly

maybe isn’t good enough

You need to say yes

or is

like fuck me

its not

and if it is

we still get to lylo

nwo when i say it like that going to lylo which usually isnt terrible

is kinda sad

yeah thats true

I did suggest that
But I think I’d just rage quit tbh

its cause we are reaching point where in lylo happend

the town alive is gonna be like gorta, leafia, grace