Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

No it doesn’t and you know it. You don’t get towncred for yeeting one townie over another. It would only give him towncred in a world where Chloe is a wolf.

then Cents is likely a wolf in that world because the team can’t be low posters and newb wolves based on the Marshal push (I’m thinking wolves were involved in that)

I mean

im most likley dead outside of light if hes town tbh, or maybe you


He gets towncred for not yeeting Marshal because Marshal was definitely going over
What don’t you see

Wind has

weirded me out tbh today

Here’s what’s going to happen

I’m going to get yeeted. Town will be like “oh well” and start to vote Chloe. Chloe will pop in and town will be like “okay let’s vote someone else” and they will flip town and we will repeat this process until we lose this game

you are all liars if you say you will yeet Chloe after I flip town because history always repeats itself

i think i look marginally worse in a world where chloe is the wolf here

but like to a point where i cant fight back a push there especially with slots such as leafia and grace alive

I’m still not convinced that the marshal push as full of townies having bad reads

Dude I’ve weirded myself out

Brb I’m running to grocery

Im just hating that if Chloe is a wolf

weve legit let her power wolf

for two straight days


He literally doesn’t unless Chloe is a wolf. Right now I’m thinking the wolfteam is Wind/Chloe/Centuries.

I haven’t re-evaled your slot, but not exactly

marshal and fk arent our towniest slots

So you are blaming it on us lol

if fk flips w im going to have to sort through his 1300 post iso

They werent

but if they both flip town

come on, solution is easy there, espically if Chloe has pushed both of them

and FK is a good fucking player, so i legit trust his reads

My issue is

with FK specifially

i dont think this scenario is out his grasp

and i do think the Arete town flip hurts him alot

which could be what wolves want

i have literally solved the game D1 as town after re-evaluating the person I’m pushing

The fact that I’m not re-evaluating Chloe as a villager means they are a wolf

yet people are going to ignore me after I flip