Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

is gorta spanking people

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I meant slanking. Stupid autocorrect. On phone right now.


Interesting point. What do you mean by them feeling comfortable?

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She doesn’t seem to be struggling at all and their tone is very relaxed.

I mean, newbtown or newbwolf can be disengaged from the thread in such a way they don’t struggle. She’s not posting a ton. (Or receiving any pressure.) Wouldn’t it be more like newbtown to struggle in not being able to formulate reads, versus newbwolf with no pressure on them? (Not that I’m hard thinking that she’s a wolf, but I’m trying to see where you’re coming from there.) Interesting idea though.

I feel that newbwolves feel a bit more pressure to perform, and most end up over performing because of it.

Ah, I see where you’re coming from. So you feel like she’s more relaxed because of being town than either because of not having any pressure on her or because of trying to coast by not really trying to be engaged at all? I suppose that’s a fair take.

@Leafia - How consistently right/wrong do you think you’ve been this game?


I don’t think I’ve been right much if at all this game yet.

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If this is the exact team, I might not be that surprised in post-game.

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Well my towncore is split in two pieces but at least my reads on them are stronger than they were.


I think both wind and cents need to be re read and looked back upon imo again

i dont think it matters what alignment either fk or chloe is tbh

if one of them is a wolf, i can see them in either worlds at this moment of time

FK and Chloe are both town, 75% certainty.

I doubt it. Please explain why you think that they’re both town.

i think both pushes from what ive seen today from both chloe and fk at each other has looked pure from my pov from both of them

like, dont get me wrong, powerwolving and agenda pushing exists, but like

i do think both the arete kill and marl kill dont exactly add up for both of them, espically where threadstate was going at the time.

Ose came into thread by EoD, so im not surprised if they didnt know who exactly to vote there

but vca can also tell us a story

True. It can.

For some reason, people still don’t believe that Chloe is a wolf. I don’t think I have the ability or charisma in this position to convince enough people to vote Chloe later on this day. However, I do have the power to lay out the reasons that I think Chloe is a wolf, which I hope people at least read and hopefully listen to me on a later day after I’m dead.

The first thing that happened in this game was Chloe being pressured from their posts in the opening - I have commented on these posts already and presumably people have already read them, if you have not please go do so because telling me that Chloe is town without reading them will be really annoying. If you don’t believe your reads, then believe the multiple good town players who have jumped on Chloe in the opening posts:Arete, Marluxion, Me, Marshal. These posts were pretty bad and all the experienced players in the game noticed it. I know Arete changed their read later on, however, something I want to point out is that Chloe is known for being a wolf who gets caught in the openings and manages to post themselves out of the situation. That is exactly what happened this game and people need to stop ignoring this.

For some reason, Marluxion died N1. I don’t care what other people say about dying being normal for a tunneled marluxion, this game is not other games and I fully expect the playerlist to react differently compared to other sites. Marluxion dying is not something wolves do unless they want to frame Chloe, however, that assumption makes little sense when Arete died last night. Marluxion died because Chloe was a wolf, and Marluxion is a loud voice that controls the tempo of the game, something wolf Chloe could not afford, plus wolves could pin off the Marluxion death as a SPK instead of actually focusing on his reads.

Not only that, the game is not reacting to Me and Chloe as if we were V/V. Remember that if I get yeeted here, Chloe is not a guaranteed yeet. However, if Chloe is yeeted, then I’m a near guaranteed yeet if they are a villager. With that logic, it makes more sense for wolves to focus on Chloe today in order to have a chain yeet on two villagers, however, instead, the thread has been focused on me and there are too many people in this game that are restiance to a Chloe wagon that it makes zero sense for them to be a villager here.

With that being said, could Chloe still be a villager here? Yes, they could. I’m not ignorant to the fact that I could be wrong, and I’m not ignorant to the fact that by pushing Chloe here I’m putting myself in a worse position than if I was to try to compromise on someone else, and it would be a lot easier to yeet someone else here. However I’m near damn sure that Chloe is a wolf here, something I cannot say for most of the people in this game. That is why I’m voting Chloe here, and that is why if I get yeeted here I implore people to actually heed the read and reasons in this wall because I’m confident that Chloe is a wolf. That is all I have time for, I need to head to my next class

I already had a strong townread on Chloe from tone (mostly surrounding the EoD). I liked Arete’s take as well. Firekitten I’ve come around to being town based on how they’ve been interacting with people during this day phase. They both appear agendaless, too. Chloe maybe shouldn’t make it into LyLO given the animosity towards her throughout the game, but that’s more of a problem for future me.