Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Or, alternatively, you could choose slots that are contentious and being debated in thread and! be useful!

marl’s progression on me/arete feels genuine
i can see every step
every cog in the machine

i can see where he started to think its w/w theatrics and how that changed over time

feels tunneled
it’s too natural to come from a wolf

two zaps


This thread:

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whereas marshal has shitty progression and it feels like hes trying to look like a homeboy

dunno if its w!marshal or v!marshal

to be determined

I’m bored and resorting to memeing
here, @Firekitten , can you give me your thoughts on Nightingale?

I literally did previously but apparently the only posts that are matter are the live ones when you are in the thread

I meant like
detailed ones but okay

I play exclusively on phone, I’m not posting a wall post, I’m posting different thoughts of mine regardless of what other people have said in the thread. And telling people to stop posting their thoughts because the thread has already camel to that conclusion is -EV for town


let’s see who yeets more wolves

that’s the only objective way to tell of useless in mafia obviously :’)

nobody other than marl really gets points for saying ‘arete and chloe are w/w!!!’ from what i can see
he’s the only one who feels real about it

most look like hopping to his side and trying to push that world of conf-bias

marl is tunneled!
let’s help him tunnel!

if marl is a villager, there is at least one wolf pushing him to continue his deathtunnel, just a matter of who

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alrighty buckaroo


lookin in here

fk dont read this
honestly titles like that are stupid of course he's going to read it you legit mentioned him

I feel bad for being rude but I really have no idea how to motivate him to post comprehensive thoughts

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gth conroy is the villageriest of the three

i had posts to support this but im too lazy to go back

oh shit my hot wings are ready

what do you mean by comprehensive

I couldn’t make my posts any clearer

I meant like… in-depth. But you’re on mobile, so quotes are kinda out of the question shrug

I think people mistake “long” as “good and detailed analysis” when analyzing people don’t really need that many posts