Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

with that being said that’s from my skewed perspective and wolves could be thinking differently from me

I don’t know if its specifically push the FK wolf narrative

But more push the Chloe town narrative?

Honestly, either works though, as I would absolutely come in guns blazing against FK today if Arete died, and simply by supporting me in being town he helped to further my push

I should re-read quite a bit of SoD to see if we’re correct

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Because I’m an easy pocket as Conroy is my friend

think its that simple tbh

I think it supports both worlds tbh

FK looks bad from the Arete flip specifically from that interaction of ranch dip

and it pushes Aretes T/T read on you and Marsh yesterday

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my brain is starting to hurt I’m going to leave the thread and then go ISO centuries

1,000 fucking posts fuck me

I mean again, we kinda mindmelded in a way on Cents being a wolf thats pushing you, and pocketing Chloe here

also like their behaviour matches the Night kills

D1, they wolf Read Chloe, then Marl dies at night, which makes Chloe look worse

than they do a 180 flip on the chloe read, then Arete dies at night, which from Arete`s reads and interactions, solidifies that Chloe read more, while also making you look worse from that interaction yesterday with Arete.

this is a post

centuries is like a child trying to gain approval from their dad

is this the post people are referring to

Yeah around there

He just flips the read on Chloe there

flipping reads with zero progression is rand villager

. Was there progression and did it make sense?

If there isn’t any progression, my first instinct would actually be to say the player you’re suspecting is… a villager. Acting in a way that makes no sense is usually not a wolf trait. I repeat, wolves are much more self-aware than villagers, they always think about their next move and mostly try to avoid looking suspicious. These kind of plays are mainly in range of elite mafia players who are ready to play the leveling game with townies.

i need to look at what was happening in the thread at that point

what the fuck

his posts are literally a string of posts that seemingly have no connection with each other

is this normal for centuries or do we just murder him with fire

I thought his posts weren’t really bad until you read them in context of what was happening


i have no clue, cause i havent played with Centuries in a while, so i cant answer that

look at his post context there

scroll up and down a little

This post kinda just screams kinda

WTF to me tbh