Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
sulit Leafia, WindwardAway, Firekitten 3/6
Centuries Blizer, osieorb18, Chloe 3/6
Firekitten Centuries 1/6
Chloe an_gorta_pratai 1/6
osieorb18 Light 1/6
WindwardAway sulit 1/6
Not Voting Grace 1

if i keep changing my vote it’ll annoy kat

maybe this is the way

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Wind is the only one I’m not sold on being a wolf yet.

I’m probably just going to stay up all night because I’m way too invested in this game

who wants to see fk hallucinate due to his medicine v2.0

We are gonna hit

15k posts in a fucking 15er

thats a 1000 posts per person

dear god


And you’re obviously a wolf pushing wolfy agenda.

haha yeah

whatever i do is going to be me pushing agenda in your eyes

you’re not accounting for what im thinking

Its not agenda hes pushing here

if hes wolf, hes more so trying push and obtain the pocket on Chloe again tbh

is this the part of the day where we force towncases

no this is the part of the day we try casing each other

No please

not before sleepy night time

i dont have the energy to do towncases fuck

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Hmm, I might do the same thing for the same reason. Also, to make sure that the wolves can’t mislynch you.

lets talk about this slot

everyone who is here what is your gth take on him

I highly don’t recommend actually staying up all night I regret it and probably will regret it again

it’s not healthy

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I know that I’m never getting what I personally want here

Best I can do is get my pelt and maybe get spewed and die


I’m not getting listened to because I’m getting pre-flipped wolf for no reason so in the end my voice doesn’t count


mindmeld was fine, interaction in regards to leafia didnt feel like him pushing agenda or wolfy, he didnt really know how to like read Leafia, cause slot never played with Leafia as both town and wolf.

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wolves you should kill me tonight

i promise im going to solve the game overnight and dunk on all of you tomorrow

Actually, yes I am.

That’s still agenda.