Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Ok but your scumread isn’t even being wagoned, so why don’t you just want Sulit out anyway?

Oh OK just saw this

I’d take Sulit dead over anyone but FK

FK clears me

not Sulit

and now it’s too late with Osie vote w!Sulit will just self hammer

so like yup?

You don’t necessarily get chained with Sulit, though

oh wind

come on

we both know that, if my 1600 post iso doesnt clear me

My associations with Sulit wont

You want to be cleared on activity? Meh.

Alright, I’m heading to bed. Would someone do me a huge favor and ping me if any new cases on sulit or cent are made? Love you long time

Post count doesn’t clear anyone


Ignore wind for a sec

Im genuinely trying go understand your thoughts here and find you if you’re a villager

Can you explain in detail how you came to the conclusion that sulit is only 65% wolf as the day progressed

I know you said its bc she can slank as town but i didnt see anywhere where you voiced that before

Im tryina understand

I wish I could be cleared from content

but whatever

I didn’t say only 65%

It’s a number I made up to show you how much more confident I am in my other read

Okay i guess what im saying is that it looked like she substantially dropped for you
When like
You consistently scumread her for 3 ingame days

And i wanna know why that drop happened

She didn’t drop (if what i understand is what u mean)

She had maybe that ISO that looked ok good

Obviously wolves aren’t going to be 100% scumposting

She had good posts later on

I still think my case stands

But I still am more confident on Voldemort tm

because well, he’s just way more scummy without relying on oog (not like angleshooting just in game content) stuff

Okay so who the fuck are fk’s partners lmao

Still could be Sulit, me thinking FK is scum doesn’t mean it’s not Sulit

Then the last one I don’t know, I’m still pretty weirdly confident in my nightpost

That’s my guess

I haven’t been trying too hard to find associations because I’ve already done that once and I ended up wasting my time

I don’t understand why you’re saying one thing but doing another
If you believe in your night post, why wouldn’t you just vote Sulit anyway?

I still probably stand by one of those


wait it’s missing Light/Sulit/FK and Chloe/Sulit/FK



You still think its likely sulit

So if we vote sulit out today and she flips wolf
Even though its suboptimal from your pov, we can afford to elim you tomorrow, since we have (idk, osie do the math) MLs until lylo, and we have to yeet through the PoE
Likely includes you

I get that you think fk is liklier wolf but like
It looks like sulit is going down today over you anyways so shrug
You very likely live today
And we get a woof

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