Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

if Chloe is a wolf I still think we lost because there’s 3 wolves in the game, 2 who aren’t Chloe, who aren’t going to vote Chloe and there’s probably some town who town read them

Same shit as yesterday

And AtE

And the fact i think conroy is more likely to be a wolf and i dont really see you guys as w/w but that gets preflippy

I also really thought you could be a wolf with osie but uh

Its not bad faith

I didnt get a chance to properly read leafia last night so im using today to re-eval her
Even though im still p sure shes town, i thinj we’re at the point where everyone deserves another look

Im genuinely exhausted and i might be coming across as snappy or some shit
Im just
Im real tired of this game tbh

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what did you do yesterday, you didn’t vote at all yesterday

This isn’t an accusation, this is me wondering what you were advocating for yesterday

because Sulit and centuries were both wagons but from what I remember you didn’t really mention them at all

that’s entirely incorrect

I was voting Osie until I tried to case them and realized they were townie

eod vc doesn’t have you on it

unless I misremember form last night

I feel like im in an anime when it comes to fk

Mortal enemies who set aside their differences for a good cause

Fm is weird, yo

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also mood

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Then I woke up at 9, decided four and a half hours wasn’t enough sleep, went back to sleep and set an alarm for 11:30 and you guys had already hammered


That makes more sense

if mafia is some shit like Grace Gorta and leafia I legitimately will be upset

not really but

What do you think the mafia are doing if you are a villager Chloe, like, what is their plan

tryina figure that out

i think i have a good idea but i dont wanna jump the gun

im having the best wolfgame of my life and im not even a wolf


one of my problems when trying to find wolves is that I assume mafia go with the optimal strategy, optimal being what I think is the best course of option and that visibly affects my reads

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do you know what site youre on