Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

will respond to this after class! ty grace

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you didn’t dominate the modkill

so did I :pensive:

didn’t exactly try to stop it, even when you did townread her

Sorry that I didn’t quite feel like I should be here while on four and a half hours of sleep. I’ll remember next time that sleeping is illegal in FM.

That’s… not the only point against you, but thank you for responding to it, at least.

I’m eating rn but I’m starting to feel sick from it so I’m probably not going to be here for a while after being done

I did literally everything I could
I even pointed out that I thought we were wrong and brought it up for discussion
I got told I was wrong so I gave in to consensus and agreed i likely was
I did this same thing with L&S in Hydra G7, where I was the only person who saw someone as likely to flip town, but I bent under pressure of everyone telling me I was wrong, and everyone solving around them being a wolf

I didn’t control sulit dying and you saying that I did is incredibly false

there was nothing concrete i could point to in her iso to save her

i pointed to many times when i thought she did villagery things, but it wasnt enough to shield her

how is this dominating her death

i’ve been playing on 4h of sleep every EoD
and the tone in this response is oddly defensive

Also this doesn’t just apply to EoDs

You have had no thread presence the entire time we keep wagoning and pushing on villagers, and imploding

Have I ever been a loud voice that people follow, though? Besides, you just quoted one post that made you look good, and not the twenty about “sulit/cent is a reasonable team, I don’t like how sulit has done xyz,” etc.

20 times where I say they’re a viable team

versus 100+ times where I try to increase sulit’s WiM and make her want to play the game, because I know I can find her as a villager

if i were a wolf i’d just shut the heck up and let her die, without giving her any chances to become obvtown

i could tell she was in a shitty spot mentally, regardless of alignment, and i did what i could to make the game a better place for her

i quoted that single post because it accurately sums up my thoughts regarding the sulit wagon

but if you read any of d3 you would know that i wasn’t sold on her being a wolf, and i was genuinely trying to see worlds where she was a villager

Okay? And, so, you’re aware that she’s in a shitty place mentally, the game is difficult to catch up on if you haven’t been consistently active, and she was towny when she was actually active, and you were town reading her and you still flipped around on her because her WiM was shot

How does that make me a wolf

My thoughts on sulit were real

Everything I thought about the slot is in the thread for everyone to see

I turned around on her because I didn’t have enough content to shield her off of, and it was consensus at that point that she was going down

I attempted to solve around her being a villager
I attempted to get others to solve around being a villager
I didn’t see you making an effort to get people out of their tunnels and preflips

How does this make me a wolf

Unnatural progression, on top of a shitty SoD, plus… I really don’t know where the wolves are if not you. Have they been hard-defending all of your flipped counterwagons? Marl, Arete, Marshal?


Even after the q+a session where she had shitty answers, I still didn’t dunk on her
And I still saw worlds where she was a villager

My progression is in no way unnatural

If anything, your turnarounds are far more unnatural
For example, osie

You voiced a scumread on him when he was pushing you, but you didn’t make any real effort to push him other than a few quips here and there
Yet, when the entire thread started to townread him, you turned around on the slot

So like
If you’re going to scumread me for this you might as well scumread yourself

If not me?
I’d have to have 2 scumbuds, so it couldnt just be me
I can’t answer that for you
You have to tell me

Light you’re not gunna win this, bud

You’re better off pushing some LHF

I’m going to be slightly rude here. If you’re a villager, you’re being a tunneled, actively toxic player who hasn’t learned from her past mistakes. Read my wallpost on Osie. You can literally see exactly where I realize “oh. This… isn’t that scummy.” Which was also what I was going to do to get players off sulit because I literally stated I wasn’t confident in that, and then I went to sleep afterward, and you guys hammered three hours before EoD.

Which I already did, because this was already asked.

Yes, I’m very well aware that I’m dying today and there’s not much I can do to stop it. Tell me, if you are actually a villager, what will you do after my flip when we go into LyLo? Who will you vote?

/vote Chloe, if I haven’t already. @katze

I’m not tunneled
I see worlds where you’re a villager
You making fun of my play isn’t going to help me find you as town, if you are
In fact it just biases me more into wanting you to be scum

I have learned from my past mistakes
I learn something in every single game I play, and I’ve been trying my best to become a better player

And yeah, I read your wallpost on osie
I said I townread it
I’m saying that if you’re going to scumread me for giving in to consensus on sulit, you should scumread yourself for seemingly giving in to consensus on osie

So there’s your answer
Find a 3rd wolf and see if it makes a viable team

We’re 6 hours into the day
There’s plenty you can do to stop it

I’ll answer your question later in the day, because, like i said, we’re 6 hours into the day and there’s plenty of time