Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

okay but that is contradicting with what you are saying previously

you don’t have a blank slate you literally said I were fine with yeeting chloe

Its so stupid why the fuck would a wolf say it

I just answered that part


but your read on chloe was a town read


Chloe’s right but where the fuck are the wolves then

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So no matter how hard I try, I can’t perfectly clear the existing reads I’ve made

In the Trees then i guess lol

I stg this game is a fucking anime im even reading fk’s posts like they could come from a villager


Yeah I had a townread on Chloe
But the game is still going when all we’ve done is yeet town so far and Chloe is still alive
So if I pretend I never made a read on Chloe and just look at the surface game state, I would conclude Chloe is a wolf who’s been slipping out of the PoE every day.

if one of the wolves is Treeman

we are, actually just

fucking idiots lol


but that

completely ignores what I said

It might be
I really have no idea since I didn’t end up isoing him like I wanted to

or skirts around it

I refuse to believe Leafia and Gorta are both villagers while Chloe is also a villager because of that is the case we have probably already lost the game

since wolfes need 2 villagers

What do you mean
I had a townread on her but I said maybe we should just yeet her anyway because my reads aren’t reliable and more people have been SRing her than TRing

I pulled leafia out of my towncore tbh
Need to re-eval
Even tho im p sure shes just town
I’d still like to give her the same treatment as everyone else im rereading

On my gorta re-read i thought he was more likely just Town Who Is Full Of Himself and partially wanna sheep Marshal

But im open to talk abt the boi



these statements are fine

but then you realize Chloe was a town read

what blank slate are you using

tbh similar to light from yesterday

ye, slot needs to be re-eval

also like

Kills feel like

Gorta kills in a way?