Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
EVO Leafia, Nightingale 2/8
Chloe Arete 1/8
Arete Chloe 1/8
Not Voting Light, sulit, Firekitten, an_gorta_pratai, Wazza, Grace, Centuries, Mistyx, Marshal, EVO, Marluxion 11

i’m the vig and im shooting myself

I’m currently in a room

is it a good room?

me when you N1 yourself


you don’t scumread me

it’s like an office but instead of a desk theres a bed that I do my “work” on

how do u know :joy_cat:

wait a minute why did i bother trying to convince people of reads before
i’ll just tell them what they believe


because you don’t

/vote Marl @katze
bet :joy_cat:

me pregame: ‘15p Mountainous is best approached by creating a towncore, ensuring that it’s pure, and boxing in the wolves. the nature of the setup means that townhunting is a dominating strategy, and it doesn’t really matter what order you kill the PoE in as long as the PoE is correct’

me now: ‘Chloe is :joy_cat: wolf :joy_cat: get boxed in’

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that sounds like a pretty good room

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fun drinking game! take a shot every time someone posts a joycat

you’ll be dead by mid-d1

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Schrodinger’s gambit i see

Not too sure about the Arete an sdcc Chloe situation at the moment to be honest, but I have a feeling there’s 1 scum between the two of them. The possibility exists that I could be wrong though although I’m near certain that they aren’t w/w.

I don’t think that the term “boxed in” applies when there isn’t a box
I only see a hole

do not doubt the box

even when there is not a box, there is a box

why though