Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I sure wish I was here instead of… this

Derivatives are so fucking stupid

Lol I’m on the same page as you
I fell asleep way too early and ended up sleeping for 9 hours so it’s either calculus or thermodynamics time
And personally I like derivatives more than integrals

if you think dereratives are stupid wait till you get to intergrals

I’d rather not

Interstate lol

Derivatives pale in comparison

[quote=“Firekitten, post:12126, topic:85810”]

That’s another point in favor of Chloe being a wolf here.

You made me use my last like on a fucking calculus meme lmao

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Oh God
You guys make me want to shoot myself and I haven’t even started

Shoot yourself before it starts
This is the way


intergrals are things you learn how to do and then you realize “why the fuck don’t I just have the computer do it”

legitimately most intergrals probably require computers iirc

After integrals you get into partial derivatives :upside_down_face:

aren’t partial dereratives easy

Yeah they’re much easier lol

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Fuck Calculus

all my homies hate Calculus

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physics c mechanics I haven’t learned partial dererwrviesbyet but like arete explained the concept and I was like “ok”

You know

i was just gonna go into a rant of

how fucked the school system in this world, espically for like a first world country in North America, but yea

this is the wrong place to do it