Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I’ve been doing it a lot this game. It’s called reevaluating.

Chloe is Litten and I’m hangman and I accept defeat

When Leafia can re-eval but I can’t :pensive:

None of you will get that joke and that makes me sad

Yeah, I think I’ve improved my towngame just a bit this game.

this makes me a worse tunneller than Leafia
as Centuries put it yesterday

why can’t you

Because Marshal sound fucky wucky

what is fucky wucky mean

fucky wucky
fucked up

fucky wucky sounds really weird



marshal has been dead for two days now

Yeah, but I successfully re-evaled Arete and Osie so I can’t use them for the joke

this makes it sound like Light’s waiting for Marshal to rise from the grave lol

And on the third day, Marshal rose from the grave
and with immaculate chorus
down from the heavens
descended chuck norris

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I should feel tired

I took my meds 2 hours ago

I don’t

fuck this game

it’s almost 6 am for me and I should also feel tired
I sort of do but I have to be up now anyway so lol

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I’ll be calling it a night now, so good night.

I’m gonna do some studying which will probably make me fall asleep anyway lol
good night/morning

I’m rereading day start and like…these are the types of posts that I have problems with, it’s the hint of claps on your own back and awareness of what’s going on that makes me just have a bad reaction to it