Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

this may be mafia theory but it has some good nuggets

why do i feel this is applied to light lol

I think this one would apply to Chloe at the start of the day

also its applied to Gorta aswell tbh

Even if they weren’t bottom POE people wanted them dead

same can be like

applied to you aswell tbh

cause previous day this is where you were for some people aswell




why is the article being misused so hard


what do you mean?

just like clairify it for me a bit

one important thing to realize I’m a control freak as scum

if something important is happening in the thread against one of my partners I would be advising them, not like, just sitting there talking about ranch

I think Gorta might just be a wolf with the game state

but who are the other wolves

I have no idea tbh
I think it was just because I didn’t see anything particularly wolfy until Chloe started firing questions at her, but I guess she just had a stressed response because she hadn’t been super active in the game.

At this point it’s not like I can make it look better so I don’t really care

At that point I thought Chloe was a wolf, I guess? I felt confident about it because people were SRing her almost universally, and then wagoning her but also kind of jumping off her. I don’t remember at what point I wrote that quote but people have been just as quick to get off the Chloe wagons as they have been to get on.
I think I also said really early that Chloe should die regardless of alignment before LyLo because her slot is so problematic that it might cause an ML losing the game for town, and I still kind of stand by that, but we have very little leeway now for MLs so I don’t really know if it’s a good idea to yeet her before LyLo.
Also I just assumed every FM game ends in LyLo unless we yeet all the wolves at the beginning, which we didn’t do here, so that’s why I keep saying stuff about LyLo. It’s not that I have TMI, I just made an assumption, and it started from someone else bringing up the problem of Chloe in LyLo on D1 as I recall, so I just went off that tbh.

That was me forgetting I read the OP and I have no excuse for it tbh
Like I actually did think for 5 seconds that there were 4 wolves and was wondering why I had been so dead certain there were 3 before, but considering that info is in the OP it just means I read the OP and then forgot I read it… Which is dumb, regardless of alignment. I tried to cover for that derp but it didn’t really work out I guess.

Seriously if you’re going to SR me just fucking vote me??? Like this has been going on for days where people SR me but don’t vote me for whatever reason. only Sulit and Leafia have so far, and Sulit got yeeted. I still really feel like wolves are trying to keep me until the last possible moment so I can either incorrectly tunnel or get misyeeted in LyLo but if that’s a dumb assumption and we aren’t supposed to assume there’s a LyLo, I suggest you just yeet me now so I can stop dealing with this game.

we dont have this

gorta went for status quo
light isn’t trying to solve

no one fits that

wind while you are here why did you type gg when giving up

FK look me in the eyes

Are you a villager

Bc if so
We should
Look at what people did surrounding our tunnels

yes I’m a villager

Are you sure

no I need to go check my Rolecard apparently it’s a thing where people have trouble remembering their alignment