Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

actually you know

i think the only people

who have not re-eval`d their reads heavily i think so far

has been Cents and Gorta

specifically around Chloe btw

This is kinda how i felt regarding arete

Where we were both treating eachother in the same fashion, at sod1

That’s the only real connection i make between them though bc the d1 thing was so long ago and my memory is bad

But like also
If you were a wolf
Wouldnt i be dead as fuck by now?

Who has been supporting you in the push this entire time
Gorta? Marshal? Blizer?

But then again
Once i flip you get chained so why would you want me gone in the first place as a wolf

Unless every day was specifically scripted as to where you push me insanely hard but i dont go over

That sounds so extra

I think it’s the people SRing you but not insanely hard who are the ones to look out for

Also same on my slot


Gorta isnt really re-evaling if Chloe is town here

while Cents is the opposite, and doesnt re-eval to see if Chloe is wolf

unless i missed posts from them, its something i have noticed today tbh

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Gorta says he ‘doesnt know anymore’
But idk what that means in gorta-speak because he doesnt explain anything

That’s interesting
I saw Cents make some points throughout the game where he seemed uncertain of Chloe’s alignment, though

That means he’s not reading the game, duh

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that was back in like day 2

im talking specifically today though

like i think he made a Wolf team with chloe on it, but like

he didnt really, re-eval Chloe to my knowledge, specifically today

The entire game is pocketing me

Wolves and town alike

Its like hot potato

Can you stop trying to pocket me, thanks

This was Conroy’s PoE today

Then this

Sorry the quote thing broke so I had to just grab the link instead
Note that he just says he thinks Osie had bad reads, though.

Shitty NKA

If Chloe is town:

  1. Marl - Push suspicion on Chloe because her greatest pusher is dead, Marl was being annoying
  2. Arete - Get rid of support for Chloe, active voice in thread, strong player overall who has become pretty widely townread
  3. Osie - Was maybe shaking out a hidden wolf who was deep in the thread? Just active player generally TR’ed and me, their biggest (and really, only) pusher stopped pushing them?

If Chloe is scum:

  1. Marl - Marl was going to end up getting Chloe yote if he had enough time. She’d much rather get him killed and try to deal with the fallout rather than take a guaranteed death.
  2. Arete - Her strongest pusher, read her town at the time of her death. All of the sudden, her D1 push and “didn’t like your opener” is dead, flipped villager, and read her villager with Marshal flipped V.
  3. Osie - Push agenda on the basis of “he disrupted the towncore, there’s definitely someone he found and they didn’t like that”. Once again, widely TR’ed, active, high WiM, and townread.

If I had a dollar for every time I lost all Wim this game, I’d have $2 right now but luckily, my wim is somewhat back. My confidence in my reads, not so much.

You’re the one pocketing me

“Which isn’t a lot, but it’s kinda weird it happened twice.”

Only $2? Man, I’d be rich.

insert Spider-Man meme

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there’s two moments? Where?

Hi I read the thread and have some stuff that I wanna think about and I’ll say what I think after dive practice
Also I saw your reply to my answers Chloe and I’ll also answer after dive practice
For now I gotta go to dive :joy:

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