Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I can quote myself I think

it goes

“Why the fuck is it that when there’s 3 MLs needed to win I’m the 4th person you need yeeted”

this took me 2 minutes to get proper grammar

okay lets break this down

It’s a terrible post, from a logical standpoint,

No. It isn’t. It makes perfect sense from a logical standpoint
If someone’s death will out you as a wolf, you should try to not get them killed (then again, hes been trying to get me killed all game, so this applies to that scenario too)

especially considering your position on FK today

I TR him, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be paranoid

Why would Cent being scum make him scum?

i never said this
in fact i implied the opposite
that cent being v implies that he was correct about Wind/FK

Why did you not consider this at all while considering Cent being scum in the past?

read above. also, because it’s based on things that happened recently

that’s the contradiction

yes i pointed it out

‘then again, hes been trying to get me killed all game, so this applies to that scenario too’

and in the next part say im paranoid


light grabbing onto this is interesting tbh

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let me make my damn tinfoils in piece

I see. I missed this implication, apparently… because it logically doesn’t make sense. Where did you even imply that Cent was V in there? Why did you just decide that Cent would flip V?

light didn’t you say you weren’t going to be here till eod

Once again, if you’re going to see me as scum, everything I’m going to do is scummy. I don’t care anymore, though.


Ill eat crow, this is his PoE from like start of day 3 i believe

I decided I shouldn’t just give up because I was being scumread.

Eevee still fucking owes me like hundreds of magikarps

he scammed me and I keep forgetting to ask for them

its literally implied dude

this means that
if conroy flips v
FK not wanting to flip conroy, makes it look like conroy was correct to scumread wind/fk

i dont suddenly think conroy is v, its just a thought i had
i said ‘potentially’ for a reason

chloe having very logical thoughts but then going “mhhh but i dont want this to happen”

why does everyone that is pushed today decide giving up is the answer

If you are a villager that has the exact opposite effect you want it to have

please don’t

it makes our lives harder if you are a v

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I just said the opposite.

cause people are mentally weak after 3 mislynches in a 13k post 15er mountanious