Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

You will be in LyLo, with Chloe, who is probably a wolf, and you’re probably not even going to vote her out after everything I said because all my reads have proven to be shit.
And we will lose the game because of that, unless someone else pushes Chloe.

I’ve just decided to trust Arete’s read on you due to no longer trusting my ability to tell who scum is. That’s all.

I’m just asking everyone to get the fuck off of Litten and vote either Chloe or me
This is where I want the thunderdome
I do not want FK voted out

That and your flip will give us valuable info and we need to resolve you or Chloe today.

fuck I’m so frustrated idk how to get my point across until I’m dead, as I said before
so I’ll just aggressively demand that you sheep my Chloe push after I die

if Chloe dies before me, you have room to kill me on D5, but please keep an eye out for the wolves coming out of the trees if Chloe flips wolf.

Agreed. It is.

Admittedly, Chloe wouldn’t be the worst flip we could do regardless of her alignment. I’m fine flipping either her or FK today. /vote Chloe @Marluxion I believe this puts Chloe at L-1.

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Firekitten Chloe 1/5
Chloe WindwardAway, Centuries, Gorta, Leafia 4/5
WindwardAway Firekitten, 1/5
Leafia Blizer 1/5
Not Voting Light, Grace, 2

@ me if i missed any

I’m so confused

You know

i feel like wolf would hammer this but like

they shouldnt at the same time


yikes? lol

IDK how i feel about this wagon tbh lol

let’s see how long it stays like this

@Firekitten Now’s your chance to hammer Chloe.

or your chance to CFD to me :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean

if Chloe is town here like

without a doubt, wolves are likely on this wagon

but the question remains if Chloe is a wolf or town here lmao

I feel we have to resolve Chloe today to have any chance of winning here.

but like

this could be what wolves want

im just like thinking here rn

that’s what I said earlier, but I thunderdomed myself with Chloe and the rest of you went for thunderdoming FK with her instead

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