Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

oh alright

i’m still going to be worried but not about this i guess

fair enough
I’m pretty sure we talked about it when it happened so

makes sense ye

I have a few things I want to say
(1) this game never existed
(2) damnit @Leafia , you are making me break my limited swearing rule for 2021
(3) breakfast became lunch and digging a splinter out of my foot
(4) sorry @Chloe
(5) this game was pain
(6) @Centuries it seems openwolf jokes are still a tell for you in my book
(7) classic example of why hyper posting is bad
(8) my play this game sucked, don’t hate me for it, I can do better


My scum mvp vote

imagine voting for town and scum mvp, tbh I haven’t voted in one of those in forever

basically yes

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This might have been salvageable if Leafia had waited a bit more


It was not salvageable.

I don’t know if she would’ve changed her mind and tbh I probably wouldn’t have, either lol

I had like a brief thought at the beginning of LyLo that I should attempt to vote Centuries but was far too paranoid it would be a miss so I scrapped it

if I had did an ISO dive on Cents I might have been able to catch him because when Cents makes jokes about being scum he usually is scum

ah yes, that was you who pointed it out lol

my order was going to be ISO Light → take a short break → ISO wind → another short break → ISO FK → break → ISO Cents

breakfast just turned into lunch and I had to pull a splinter out of my foot

town would have probably still lost because Grace had that “beginners luck” because she had that newbie tone and barely said anything

The problem is with that time gap I don’t think you stop it

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yeah I considered keeping Grace as a last-resort yeet option but honestly, I don’t think she would’ve gotten yeeted