Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

pretty sure they’re both minors

okay but it is a good name

arete why it was just a joke

why is arete’s tiny text so much better than mine

use <small> rather than hashtags

you legend

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@sulit ping me when you’re around please

You’re the only person i actually feel excited to talk to so congrats

My wim is absolutely shot currently and that wont do me any good, so imma sleep and try to regain it so i can go ham tomorrow

No hammering.


bottom text

wow big text looks way better than hashtag text too

(sorry if i wasn’t supposed to use big text dont yell at me pls)

i have come to a conclusion

send it brother

i message splitted it did you really expect it to be game-related


its commonly known as setting up the comedic timing

the joke is that you probably expect me to post reads or something after that but truth is i havent read anything

so are you telling me i’m the only one who like leaks brain matter onto posts and just hits send at random intervals even though the matter is still leaking out

actually no i read tbh i was playing games with thread in the background but i paid no mind to it

sometimes id look at it and go “ok so does my read on chleb ever change here or am i convinced of my read” and like uhh

i think chloe is very up and down

there’s ok posts but it’s like being weighed down by stuff like

ate lamist and funny buzzwords

which i dont like it being the reason i scumread her now

uh let me think sum more