Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Games like these vary so much in reliability of reading people, in which people can be unpredictable or straight up contradicting. Shooting for a day 1 mvp play is a waste unless you know the players enough to be more than %50 accurate

I’m pretty sure I have the whole team thanks to FK

but i want to talk to two people first and they’re both asleep

also hullo evo

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I play these a little more crazy, I think having someone I the game that isn’t a total yes-man helps with discussion

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I didn’t want to let firekitten have my will of fire but i guess the son will inhereit the burdens of the father once i’m gone


Light and leafia’s povs will be useful the later into the game we get i think

It’s a Phanpy.

Phanpys are just eventual donphans!

This is total lamist by the way

Word being used wrong? I’m saying this is fake discussion

it’s definitely a weird post

not sure if wolfy but definitely weird

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Yeah its hard to tell if it’s AI without knowing them better

LAMIST = Look at me, I’m so towny.

LAME = Marl

I’m as confident in Marshal being a wolf as you are in Chloe being a wolf. There’s no way a villager acts the way that Marshal is acting. All he has done is to throw shade on Chloe. Please open your eyes before you lead the wolves to victory. You’re the least likely person to die N1, not the most likely because you’re trusting an obvious wolf. I’ll be shocked if I survive N1 because I’m one of the few people that can see through the BS of the wolves. Starting to see the possibility of FK being town too and I think having CW is an excellent idea so I’ll join him on Night for now. /vote Night @katze

Broke - joining Light on the Night wagon
Woke - joining FK on the Night wagon
Bespoke - Chloe wagon


I should probably die today