Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

you can’t just hit any wolf tbh. you have to hit the most active one because I am almost positive at this point there’s one wolf steering the wagons and two wolves who are just chilling in the background.

if you hit the active wolf, you force the other two out of the trees and they have to start actually pushing their agenda.

I’m actually not voting you tomorrow, or at least, I’m not planning on it right now. I want Chloe out long before you, and I think I want Leafia out after that.


the first time I voted myself was legit because I just wanted to give up

the second time I voted myself was a test, and I’m going to continue to openwolf as long as it’s showing results.
basically what I got from it is that Centuries doesn’t look as wolfy as I thought he did, and FK really doesn’t have a wolfy reaction at all. So out of the top posters in this game, that only leaves Chloe.

and what about when I say that I have been entertaining a you/Chloe scumteam for your various poor interactions, shielding, and bad progression?

I’ll wait for Chloe to come in and probably interpret all that, but considering she’s kind of thrown me into a townlean against the consensus this whole time, saying she’s a sucker for AtE, I have a feeling she might stick with that. in which case that doesn’t affect my read on her at all, since I gave reasons above as to why I think she’s doing it if she’s a wolf.

I’m fine with that. If you think I’m a wolf with Chloe, then vote me first, please.
If you think Chloe could be a wolf with someone other than me, vote Chloe.
I know it’s dumb that I’m asking you to do this, but from my perspective it’s going to make the team much clearer.

if you guys yeet me today, you’ll be in LyLo tomorrow (I think?) and you’re going to have to actually hit a wolf for once. If that’s the case, I am asking you to yeet Chloe.

I’ll admit this isn’t the first time I thought someone was wolfy, then decided they had to be town anyway, and then let them make it to LyLo and lose (Light, you know which game I’m talking about). So I don’t want to make the same mistake here again.

Actually I can revise that. It doesn’t matter which of us you vote first as long as you haven’t chained us so that it’s either both or none of us. If you yeet Chloe and she flips wolf, you have a free ML tomorrow again and you can still vote me out. If you vote me today, you’ll see me flip as town and then you’ll have to reconsider what I’m saying here.

… what the fuck.

my reasoning isn’t going to make sense unless you consider a world where I’m not actually a wolf
but the only way to convince you of that is to just roll over and die here, because I’m pretty sure if I get yeeted here it will implicate Chloe
(it will also break my streak of never getting ML’d but that’s irrelevant)

I’m here

you broke mine, nerd.

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not for long tho like 15 minutes


I’m interpreting this as a wolf trying to incriminate a villager

I have considered worlds where you’re not a wolf
I’ve considered worlds where chloe isn’t a wolf
I even had a tinfoil day 2 that you guys were W/V

go ahead
but if Chloe fucking whiteknights me while I’m on stand to get yeeted, get her next.

actually now that I said that, maybe she won’t do it lol

on a related note where the fuck is Chloe

no fucking clue

i think a good chunk of us, as i said earlier

is likely down for a wind lynch here

if wind is scum we aren’t getting the yeet tbh