Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I’m here

you broke mine, nerd.

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not for long tho like 15 minutes


I’m interpreting this as a wolf trying to incriminate a villager

I have considered worlds where you’re not a wolf
I’ve considered worlds where chloe isn’t a wolf
I even had a tinfoil day 2 that you guys were W/V

go ahead
but if Chloe fucking whiteknights me while I’m on stand to get yeeted, get her next.

actually now that I said that, maybe she won’t do it lol

on a related note where the fuck is Chloe

no fucking clue

i think a good chunk of us, as i said earlier

is likely down for a wind lynch here

if wind is scum we aren’t getting the yeet tbh

unless people actually show up

because EVERYONE is not present

I see crows in the distance, cackling at us

pretty sure you’ll get the yeet on me
what you aren’t getting is a yeet on Chloe because she’s a wolf and has evaded the yeet for 4 days now because we’ve been stupid

If Chloe is a wolf I’ll be pretty embarrassed tbh

remember I’m a consensus scumread, just like Sulit. And no, this isn’t any different.

if you get enough votes on me I’ll hammer myself

@leafia where are you

x to doubt

There’s plurality, no? If she’s scum, scum would have to openwolf to save her… I think.

scum is not saving me here unless Chloe comes in and tries to vouch for me