Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

/vote Chloe


if she does flip town I’m pretty sure we lose the game because it means I get yeeted next lol

Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Firekitten Chloe 1/5
Chloe WindwardAway, Centuries, Gorta, Leafia, Blizer 5/5
WindwardAway Firekitten, 1/5
Not Voting Light, Grace, 2

@ me if i missed any

1 Like

@Chloe was…


You are a member of the Town! You have no abilities, but you have a voice, and a vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Night begins and will last til normal start time of 2021-02-06T18:00:00Z.

Also no longer need a replacement

flavor soon…


Public Moderation Log

Disclaimer: This is only flavor, not an actual moderation decision yet

February 5th, 2021

Chloe has been permanently banned from the forums after posting 2273 GOD DAMN TIMES. This is an urgent matter, we don’t even remember which rule is the “don’t spam” rule. Just PLEASE shut her up.

Honestly, we missed the mute button and are just going with it.

3 replies

Last reply: just now





Public Moderation Log

Disclaimer: This is only flavor not an actual moderation decision

February 6th, 2021

Blizer has been permanently banned after once picking R.O.B in a game of Super Smash Brothers: Ultimate. This breaks Rule 7 of the Global Forum Mafia Rules, as R.O.B shares biometric identification data and is a 97% geometric match with prior banned user, Arete. Also they used Side B like three times!

12,718 replies

Last reply: 22 minutes ago

blatant robophobia? this really says a lot about the society we live in

The world would be better if nobody played ROB.

imagine playing ultimate over melee, deserved ban just for that

this is a real epiphenomenalism moment

1 Like

@Blizer has died! They were…


You are a member of the Town! You have no abilities, but you have a voice, and a vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Day starts and will last 48 hours or til 2021-02-08T18:00:00Z. It is LYLO votes are locked. Have fun :^)

You know, when I was able to look at my phone in order to hopefully alleviate my anxiety, I saw that Datbird posted a vote count 4 minutes ago, with Chloe being hammered. 4 minutes. 4 MERE MINUTES. If I had checked any sooner I could have tried to stop that, I would have likely failed as no one would listen to me because why would wolves listen to me, but I could at least have tried to stop it.

Anyway, here’s where we are at. We are fucked, in no simple terms. I know there had to have been at least 2 villagers, maybe more, on the Chloe wagon because there’s only 3 wolves. Yet there were 5 of you people voting Chloe, like I predicted would happen.

@leafia you said you thought that Chloe or myself was a good yeet yesterday…for information. Let me see if I understand this correctly. A yeet from lylo, you wanted us to lynch someone in order to gain information? What information did you gather, I’ll tell you what I gathered from that lynch, nothing.

hostping go brr


O tempora, o mores!

for once the nightkill wasn’t surprising
I made a wallpost I’ll paste here in a sec,gotta run to dinner after that

how did yesterday even happen

that’s a rhetorical question


Stupid worthless overnight post which would probably count as a legacy post if we weren’t in LyLo:

Btw I’m not revising this after whatever the NK is. I’ve spent at least three hours writing it, then editing it, and it’s too long for me to bother to edit again so I’m just pasting it as I wrote it up until whoever dies overnight. If it’s outdated information then that’s why. It’s mostly just me not really solving anyway, so this post is 90% useless. Don’t bother reading it if you already think I’m a wolf because it’s not going to change your mind.

First off, a note to @Grace:

Idk how much Chloe and Sulit already told you about LyLo, but in this phase you don’t want to vote too soon. You only get to vote once, and if you lock your vote on the wrong person, the wolves will vote with you. The majority is 4, and we have 3 wolves alive, so they only need one of us to vote incorrectly so that they can win. This is why it’s a good idea to wait to place your vote until EoD.

Now for the rest of what I have to say:

a disorganized mess of thoughts that's a total waste of your time

Totally not relevant here, but I actually had enough anxiety about this game that I dreamt about it last night, and in the dream, it turned out Grace was a wolf :joy_cat:

Anyway, I have managed to push wolf agenda for four days without even being a wolf, so it’s no wonder I’m not dead yet. I’m still not sure if the towncore is incorrect or if the wolves actually are really good, because it could go either way here. We didn’t hit an active wolf in Chloe, but her flip did give us information and it clearly makes some of us (including me) look worse. Since she wasn’t a wolf, she wasn’t whiteknighting anyone, so it’s possible her reads were actually accurate. I’m looking again at her legacy post to see what she was thinking there. (Also I feel really bad that we just hammered her when she wasn’t there, even though I suggested it.) Normally I’d want to say that the hammerer is a wolf, but I learned in the JoAT game that it’s often town who hammers regardless of the target’s alignment, so I guess I see it as NAI. Also I don’t think that’s a good reason to SR Blizer; I still think he’s town.

I guess we should’ve known that it was a consensus wagon since we reached hammer without any resistance. I feel dumb for not realizing that, since I think Blizer pointed it out? I started it by asking to thunderdome myself with Chloe, but asking people to vote me out first if they thought we were w/w. The thunderdome was a terrible idea but asking you to vote me out first was actually not a bad idea. I am guessing what happened was that wolves thought Chloe might pull through in LyLo and pick out the team correctly, but I’d fail as I’ve done this entire game, and it was much more likely that out of the two of us I would get yeeted in LyLo, so they went for Chloe instead but called me a wolf anyway. The ones I specifically remember accusing me of being w/w with Chloe are Light and Gorta. But Centuries, Leafia and Blizer also thought there was a chance at least one of us was a wolf (not sure about both).
I know I’m set up to get yeeted today, and if that happens, we lose. I did a risky play yesterday by openwolfing because I thought it would work to get myself voted out, and I immediately fucked up because I changed my mind and voted Chloe for info and also to get people off FK, which was obviously some sort of mistake, although I still don’t think it means FK is a wolf. I should have just continued to openwolf and get you guys to vote me out instead of Chloe; that’s entirely my mistake, but hindsight 20/20. At the very least, we’ve now resolved Chloe’s slot and we have wagonomics to work with. I think we should be looking at the wagonomics on the Sulit wagon and compare them to this one because both of them were consensus yeets with really no resistance, as once again everyone besides Chloe and FK (who were both afk) who was voting FK, Light, or Leafia, jumped off in favor of hammering Chloe.

I think Leafia’s votes looked particularly weird around EoD. She came in backreading and followed Chloe’s lead in voting FK after TRing him for a while, then she switched to Chloe when I suggested an info yeet (although I also said I thought Chloe was a wolf). Her votes earlier in the day looked kind of opportunistic to me, as well. I’ve been having a hard time making sense of her shifting reads, and it honestly looked wolfy to me the majority of D4, but maybe I’m just failing to understand her reasoning. Her jump onto the Chloe wagon was not a good look, though.
Light was trying to vote out Chloe, but he w/w read us, and when I voted Chloe he unvoted. But he offered to hammer her at EoD after tagging her to see if she would reply. Gorta w/w read us as well, but he voted Chloe anyway, and when I asked why he was still voting her if I was voting her, he said I was just trying to grab towncred by bussing her (which is clearly not the case). I was thinking if Chloe flipped wolf we could clear Gorta for SRing her the entire game, but as of right now he still belongs in the PoE.
Centuries and Blizer were watching the CFD and jumped on the wagon but didn’t really seem to know if it was a good idea or not. FK predicted it way earlier in the day, and I guess he was also right when he said everyone SRing Chloe at SoD was sus and that Chloe shouldn’t get yeeted.
I am now much less certain about Centuries, because he was right when he pointed out he’s also been universally scumread, along with Sulit, Chloe, FK and me, which seems really off. Sulit and Chloe we know to be town, I still think FK is town, and despite what the rest of you think, I also know I’m town.
I’m well aware you all want to yeet me, but please consider the fact that I am also a consensus scumread, and that if I was openwolfing yesterday to try to get you guys to vote me before LyLo, it’s a completely idiotic move if I’m a wolf because it sets the town up to get a free wolf yeet and keep the game going, when wolves only need one more ML to win now. I would never have done that whole gambit if I knew for sure that Chloe was town. At this point I just kind of want this all to end because it’s so fucking frustrating, but I’m not going to be dumb and just give up in LyLo if we still have a chance to solve the game.
I know you guys think none of my plays make any sense from a villager perspective, but now I also get to say that you’re confbiasing yourselves into assuming I’ve been wolfing the entire game. Unfortunately I’ve realized my logic only makes sense to me, and if you don’t think I believed any of my own reads and pushes when I made them, then I don’t really have any other defense to say I’m not a wolf. I was losing confidence in my reads throughout the game, but I was still grasping for pieces of information to use to fix them, and I grabbed onto bad information (or rather, the right information and the wrong conclusion). I’ve concluded that I can basically scumread anyone in the game if I try hard enough, so this has all been a complete waste of time and effort and I shouldve just stopped trying to read people on D2 after I was wrong on Marshal and Arete. If you vote me now, I can guarantee the game will end, and I guess I really should’ve just stuck with trying to yeet myself yesterday instead of changing my mind and encouraging a CFD and ending up in LyLo where I didn’t want to be. I made a dumb plan and I quit halfway through so that’s on me, and I won’t be upset if you still want to vote me today. I’ve already had a huge part in losing the game for town so I’m not going to make up any more excuses on why I should be townread. I’ll just shut up for once.

I found my earlier reasoning in my notes on why Centuries was a TR for me on D1 (I think):

Centuries - has put a great deal of effort into solving the game and also seems genuinely invested in it. I don’t think a wolf cases people in the way he does, and I also see him reconsidering his reads in a way that looks more like town doubting themselves than a wolf trying to grab towncred “in case I’m wrong”. He could easily keep a firm scumread on Chloe and keep pushing it regardless of her alignment if he wanted an easy way out.

…and I can’t decide how actually lazy I was with this or recall how much time I spent evaluating him. Considering I don’t remember, maybe it was just a lazy read. The funny thing is, if someone else cased him like this, I’d probably just believe them.

Anyway for the millionth time I admit that my reads are horrible and my last thought is that I might have been wrong when I said there had to be a wolf between FK/Chloe/Cents and there are actually no active wolves, meaning the team would probably just be Leafia/Light/Gorta assuming Grace and Blizer are town. Tinfoil would be if Blizer or even Centuries is powerwolfing, but then I think we just lose anyway tbh.
As I’m writing this, I feel like this team is wrong anyway and it’s mostly just a dartboard because not a single reason I’ve given so far for someone being a wolf has been correct. Considering I’ve been 100% wrong so far in my reads, I feel like you can literally just take the opposite of what I’ve said and you’d probably be more likely to catch the wolf team because nothing I’ve said in this game has proved to be worth anything at all. I don’t even know why I’m giving my thoughts at all because they’ve only been anti-town the whole game and it feels like I’ve just been pointing fingers in random directions due to lack of certainty, and then calling it a scumread for the hell of it.
Actually, don’t listen to me and don’t do anything at all with my opinion, but just don’t snapvote anyone, please. Don’t place any votes until EoD unless you just want the game to end at this point (which I wouldn’t blame anyone for). Unfortunately I may not be around at exactly EoD as I have something scheduled then, but I’ll try stick around for as long as I can until I have to go, unless you hammer before that. I am planning to abstain from placing a vote because I don’t want to be wrong again.

I’ve edited this post so many times that idek what the point of it is anymore since it can’t be a legacy post if we’re in LyLo, and I’m sure I’ve written at least a few contradictory statements in here as a result of coming back every other hour and compulsively adding to it. I feel like just deleting this and never posting it, but I guess I think it’s worth at least sharing my continuous thoughts overnight because I couldn’t fucking stop myself from thinking about this game. This is stupid, though, and this post is stupid. Plus the more I’ve written here, the more guilty I feel for my behavior in this game, separate from my actual plays. All I’ve done is antagonize people until they get pissed off, and that’s not a healthy way to hunt for wolves because undoubtedly everyone will crack at some point. I just feel really bad about it.
Also, the more I look at this post the dumber it gets lol. This whole post was a long stream of consciousness and I hate how it looks, I hate my reads or lack thereof, I hate my lack of confidence, I hate how I managed to fuck up on the openwolfing gambit because I couldn’t stick to my own plan, and I hate this game and how it went. (I don’t hate any of you, though, don’t worry. <3)

I think I’m going to try to minimize my activity until a couple hours before EoD partly because I have an exam on Monday and partly because I think I’ve just been toxic to people here and I shouldn’t really interact anymore and fuck up the game even further, but I don’t want to miss EoD. I’ll check in a couple of times and probably post because I’m fucking compulsive about posting when I feel the need to say something, but I won’t push anyone or accuse them of being a wolf anymore because I haven’t been very nice about it and I’ve also been completely wrong. I don’t want everyone to hate me for being unreasonably aggressive and throwing the game. I know I unintentionally threw it by tunnelling, and I stupidly ignored people telling me that’s what I was doing, so the best I can do to try to save the game is to just not do any of that today.

The most important part of my post, completely unrelated to solving but just something I feel the need to say so that’s why it isn’t hidden in spoilers:

Don’t try to read my alignment off this; I would write this as either alignment. I’m speaking OOC and just being honest because this has been plaguing me for days and I owe you guys this much.

I sincerely apologize if I’ve been unreasonably frustrated with this game or with the players in the game, dead or alive. I’m also very frustrated with irl stuff right now and have a lot on my plate, and I didn’t mean for it to reflect in my gameplay, but it has - especially during D4 because I had some unexpected things pop up that just threw my whole day off. I’m aware I’ve done this before; I just didn’t mention it last time it happened but it’s about time I own up to my mistakes here and just admit I should’ve left the thread at multiple points instead of throwing a tantrum over the internet. I’m going to work on not doing this again so I don’t piss people off unnecessarily. It’s not an excuse for my terrible reads or tunnelling, but if I’ve seemed irrationally irritated with people, that’s the reason, and I don’t want any of you to feel bad about it if I’ve criticized you, insulted you, or blamed you for anything here. It’s never ok for me to do that as any alignment. I know you’ve been wolfreading me for it (among other things) but it literally boils down to my acting like a dick. You’ll see that I was literally just being a dumbass the entire game when I flip and I’m sorry if my behavior has contributed to an unfavorable outcome in the game.

In particular, I owe an apology to Arete for being downright toxic to them which they didn’t deserve. Nobody deserves to be on the receiving end of that. I don’t hold anything personal against any players here, especially not when it’s just a game. I feel really fucking dumb for how I behaved here. You guys are all cool people, and I’m sorry my presence made this an even more miserable experience than it already was, but even if you didn’t particularly enjoy playing with me, I look forward to playing with you again without tunnelling you, and in a less stressful game (hopefully lol).

And also, I never claimed I was a good player and I’m sorry it came out that way; I only said that based on my most recent games I felt like I was actually improving, but this game goes to show that I have a very long way to go in refining my solving techniques. I think my current ratio of 50/50 in wins and losses proves that it’s all just completely random and I don’t have any measurable skill in solving yet, so I’ll try harder in the next game and I’ll also try not to be toxic. If the game gets heated I will just leave instead of picking on people for reacting badly when I’m obviously provoking them. I’m a compulsive replier and I need to kick the habit by just leaving instead of continuing to make things worse, so if you catch me doing it again, give me a warning and I’ll get out of the thread. I haven’t been a good team player at all in this game and I dug my own grave in doing so. I’m sorry for being an asshole, and I know I can do better than this.

I regret not just giving myself up yesterday because it’s resulted in writing this fucking stupid wallpost that I don’t even like, but now that it’s off my chest I guess I can chill out and stop antagonizing everyone. I’m gonna have dinner now so if you want me to answer anything in particular, ping me so I see it when I check back in.


tl;dr - don’t even bother reading it, I’ll see myself out lol

leafia wanted to lynch me or Chloe over a “information lynch” is rlly bad but there’s no way we get the votes lol

i know but it’s my fault because i’m pretty sure I proposed the information yeet
Leafia’s vote jumping from you to Chloe was super weird though