Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

First FM game I took part in with all the wolves surviving until the end too. Is that a first for this site?

Probably not

I think there was another I saw when browsing through old games


Gorta- Leafia, FK, cents, grace-4


@an_gorta_pratai has been banned! He was…


You are a member of the Town! You have no abilities, but you have a voice, and a vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Guess you can say he slept his way to a ban

Trees more like forest

Isnt it like the other peoples fault? It was Lylo

Shut up looser not time to think

With that Mafia gain parity and win. Our winners are @Firekitten , @Centuries , and @Grace . Congrats to them as they just gifted 3 free gift subs to the streamer.

Also awards time. Send em in ur cc. Or if scum in a dm to me or kat over discord





polish cow time

Public Moderation Log

Disclaimer: This is only flavor, not an actual moderation decision

February 7th, 2021

an_gorta_pratai has been permanently banned for gamethrowing, after dying as a villager in LyLo. This violates Rule 4 of the Official Forum Mafia Rules. They apparently did another thing once, but who cares?

0 replies


this was painful to play in and similarly painful to watch





How did integrity crumble at the seams in a mountainous

vote evo for town team player

he gave town a chance

the biggest issue with this game was the fact pogey was a flavor when it made no sense

end of game flavor :joy_cat:

Public Moderation Log

Disclaimer: This is an actual moderation decision.
no it’s not

February 7th, 2021

katze and DatBird have been permanently banned after hosting an atrocity of a setup, violating the Geneva Convention in many ways, and multiple counts of “being cringe”. This ban is not appealable.

11,307 replies

katze is cringe

and nothing of value was lost

Wait, if Arete and Chloe were both already banned… who’s banning katze and DatBird? Why is nobody talking about this?!

shut up :crab: katze is gone :crab:


also there were three integrity breaches

you wonder why chloe was silent all of end of day 4?

Oh btw, Chloe was already replaced out like ~9 hours before they were lynched.