Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Sadly no one here heard me say FK was a wolf when he jumped onto Chloe’s wagon D1.
That had to be the most opportunistic vote I’ve ever seen so far.

So is Chloe your mature younger sister?
Or would you say your more mature?

I feel like your more goofy and memey and Chloe more serious

@Whathaveidone has been forgotten


what the hell




incoming "grace was robbed"s


yes i voted that way fight me

Excuse me?! This has to be a mistake.

i think you could make a valid argument for any of the 3 wolves to be the MVP

when it comes to teamplay, though, i think you can’t really make as strong of an argument for grace as the other two, even if she played well


Sadly only one wolf is able to be voted MVP.

centuries was robbed


submitted all the night kills, wasn’t playing recklessly, did most of the association distancing for the team

the only reason I won it is because we sweeped

Sure, I pocketed people when I needed to, but I don’t think that is exactly what “team player” constitutes

Centuries was thinking for the whole group, while I was thinking for myself this game

Not only that, he was the least lazy mafia in the game. While I didn’t need to make a wall post to do my own thing, he put in (hours?) of work writing wall posts with the ultimate intent of clogging the thread or clearing himself or distracting the thread (talking about sleep PHD whatever it was)

centuries copy pasted from wolf chat

big gamer energy

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he also open wolfed and outted the whole team

that’s a gamer wolf

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Oh yeah the sleep PhD lol

I don’t know what the award is supposed to indicate anymore tbh.
Can we point out anybody who was a “team player” with good reason in the recent team player awards
I sure as hell had a decent clown fiesta towngame but my “teamplay” was literally ignoring the entire town’s opinions (on Ici)


Maybe the award should be called something like “Game Spirit Award”. Being a team player is often a large part of following the spirit of the game, so in many cases they should be the same. But embodying the spirit of the game can include more, like being a sporting player or doing your best to keep trying to solve despite the odds. This would help to include other options like Neutrals with no team who did well at their wincon and made the game interesting.